Ellis County Judge Reverses Course & Rallies To Open Texas
WAXAHACHIE – They came, they saw and the powers that be in Ellis County signed a proclamation last Monday saying Open Texas. The Open Texas Rally was held in front of the Ellis County Courthouse in Waxahachie. The resulting proclamation declared it was time to reopen.
Ellis County Judge Todd Little said conditions in the field have changed and it is time to open the state back up.
“Our plan must be revised,” Judge Little said. “Health care providers such as Dr. Richard Bartlett have provided early and effective intervention treatments to ease the severity of COVID-19. Our hospitals and health care facilities are experienced and prepared. Through the Herculean efforts of many the virus is contained, and the risk is manageable.”
So, Judge Little was adamant the time is now to allow life to commence as normal pre-COVID-19.
A drive around Ellis County over the weekend saw that indeed, many people were no longer sheltering in place. That has been increasingly apparent as the weeks have progressed into summer. Stores are full too, even with the still existing mask requirement at places like Walmart and Starbucks.
At the Buc-ee’s in Ennis, most customers inside the building were wearing masks, but a few people braved the stares of those donning masks. Those people refused to wear what some have said are a senseless precaution.

Ellis County Residents Weigh In
Ellis County resident Irma Gonzales said of the Open Texas proclamation “I think we have to take a look at the historical numbers,” she said. “Shutting down brought the numbers down and opening back up brought the numbers back up. There are still people who are compromised, pregnant, and at risk in other ways. They said that kids wouldn’t really get it but it now turns out that 30% of the kids are getting it. Opening the schools, Ellis County has so far done a pretty good job about keeping the numbers low, but I think both of those openings combined we will see an influx if people don’t do something whether it is masks, staying home on some level or staying away from people.”
Judge Little went on to say last week “As a small business owner I know our small businesses have sacrificed way too much during the last few months. Businesses must resume, parents must go back to work, students must have access back to the classroom, trade and commerce must flow and restaurants must reopen to full capacity.”
He added “Our schools must get back to allowing young men and women to participate in sports, band and numerous other extracurricular activities, musicians must play, artists must begin to draw, and athletes must begin to perform.”
One Residents Says Open 100% & without masks
Ellis County resident Andrea Pylant said she spent the weekend out and she is tired of masks.
“I didn’t know Judge Little signed that proclamation, but I am glad he did,” Pylant said. “I think it is great if everything is opened 100%. Now get rid of the mask requirement. The CDC states less than 10,000 Americans have died due to COVID-19.”
FACT CHECK: According to the CDC: “For 6% of [coronavirus disease 2019] deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death. The number of deaths with each condition or cause is shown for all deaths and by age groups.”
Officials Push Hydroxychloroquine
Also at last week’s Open Texas rally along with Judge Little other dignitaries in attendance included Texas State Senator Bob Hall, Midland County Commissioner Randy Prude, Crane County Commissioner Brian Brents, Texas House Representative Phil Stephenson, Texas House Representative Bill Zedler and U.S. Congressman Brian Babbin, among others.
Dr. Bartlett who was appointed years ago by Gov. Rick Perry to join a health disparities task force with the goal of how to make healthcare available to all Texans said, “Today we present facts, not fear. Months ago, we did not have this, now we have scientific facts that are reproducible by independent sources and new data is still forthcoming regarding COVID-19. A path forward is now becoming clear.”
Bartlett has suggested using the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine could be a means to help treat COVID-19. The proclamation signed Monday also alluded to this alternative treatment.
Judge Little Wants To Move Forward
Judge Little told those in the crowd “It is not the function of government to deprive its citizens of civil liberties, but of every individual to utilize sound judgement and personal responsibility to pursue life, liberty and happiness. We must move forward with hope and cherish the brighter days ahead.”
All well and good, but Gonzales said in conclusion “I understand where he is coming from because Ellis County is a very conservative area and at the same time it is all about ‘let me keep my rights, let me have my guns, which no one is telling them they can’t, let me decide if I want to wear a mask on my body,’ but then they turn around and say oh, but you can’t do this with your body because it against my beliefs. Either your body is your own or it is not, you can’t flip flop back and forth and that is unfair and hypocritical.”