A Heartbreaking Loss
On Monday evening, James and Linda Zander passed away after battling COVID-19 since early December. The beloved couple once referred to as the “dynamic duo” by former Mayor McCowan, passed away in the same hospital room.
James and Linda Zander loved the City of DeSoto and spent time serving the city in various roles over the years.
James served on the DeSoto City Council for seven years. Prior to that post, he served four years on the DeSoto Economic Development Corporation Board.
Mayor Pro Tem Kenzie Moore III, said “The loss of former City Councilmember James Zander and his dear wife Linda was very sad news for DeSoto. I replaced James on the DeSoto City Council at his recommendation, and that recommendation was important to me.
James and Linda Zander were pillars in our community. They made a real difference and the City of DeSoto is saddened by their loss.”
“I am so heartbroken to hear about the passing of James and Linda Zander. During my years at the DeSoto Chamber I came to know them both as kind, giving people who were passionate about their community. Their passing will leave a hole in the hearts of many,” said former DeSoto Chamber of Commerce President Cammy Jackson.
“Very sad to learn about the passing of former DeSoto Council Member James Zander and his beautiful wife, Linda. Both died yesterday from complications of Covid-19. Remembering much happier times as we celebrated Linda’s 60th birthday in 2007. What a joyous occasion it was! Please keep the Zander’s family and friends in your thoughts and prayers as we mourn their tragic deaths. Be safe, wear a mask, and social distance. Covid-19 is no joke,” Lynda K. Humble-Gilley.

DeSoto City Councilmember Candice Quarles shared, “I am saddened to hear of the loss of James and Linda Zander. I had the honor of serving and sitting next to James during my first year on the City Council before he left in 2017. He was a strong voice and compassionate businessman that everyone knew in DeSoto and even the Dallas area.
The one thing about James that we all knew is how much he loved his wife Linda. He always made sure she was taken care of and happy as she had multiple bouts of illness during her final years. He and his wife Linda will be missed. Their passings are a sincere loss for DeSoto but we will always remember the positive impact that they have had on our community.”
“James and Linda were the epitome of “A Powerful Servanthood Couple!” The love they shared was insurmountable! There was no surprise when you’d hear them opening their home to local issues.” Many thanks my friends James and Linda, for always serving in the “Spirit of Excellence!” Gone but never forgotten!” by Your Special Girlfriend-Patricia Coleman, Bank of DeSoto!!

According to his bio on James Zander & Associates he had served as :Board member of DeSoto Dining and Dialogue, Board member of the DeSoto ISD Education Foundation, City Council liaison to DeSoto Economic Development Corporation and Chamber of Commerce and Certified Trained member of CERT, Dallas County ACA (Affordable Care Act) Coalition, and the University of New Haven Board of Governors.
Dr. Zander is a graduate of University of New Haven B.A., D.B.A., Ohio University M.A., American College CLU, RHU.
Dr. Zander received the Distinguished Alumni Award from the University of New Haven.
Linda Zander once served as President of Keep DeSoto Beautiful, Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce Gala and a Board of Directors Member for the Chamber of Commerce. Linda was also named as the Bobby Wattle DeSoto Chamber of Commerce Citizen of the Year.
Others said Linda would be remembered for her passion for keeping DeSoto beautiful.
In 2017, James Zander resigned his seat on the DeSoto City Council so he could spend more time with his wife. He stated Linda’s health had started to decline, so he wanted to be closer to her at their other residence in Highland Park. Mayor McCowan presented the DeSoto Eagle to the couple in June of 2017.
Representative Carl Sherman Sr. said, “I’m saddened by the news that former DeSoto Councilman James and his beloved wife Linda have passed away. We will sorely miss The Honorable James Zander and his beautiful wife Linda who was an extraordinary leader in the community of DeSoto. Rest In Peace. Please keep the family in your prayers.
I will miss both the Honorable James and Linda Zander. They were true servant leaders and gave so much to the community in service, time, and investments in our chamber, school district and city. I remember campaigning together.
He was a true and authentic friend to the end. I remember the Zanders hosting many Desoto and Dinning dialogue Dinners at their beautiful home. James and I had many discussions about reimagining Desoto with new economic opportunities.”