Positive West Nile Mosquito Traps Found In Lancaster
Lancaster, TX – Dallas County confirms three (3) positive West Nile Virus mosquito traps for the 1100 block of Nancy Lane, 600 block of Pierson Street, and 1500 block of Enchanted Lane in the City of Lancaster on Wednesday, August 5, 2020. In conjunction with Dallas County Health and Human Services (DCHHS), mosquito abatement teams are responding by treating impacted areas.
DCHHS has scheduled ground spraying in the areas stated above, weather permitting:
Wednesday, August 5, 2020, 9:00 pm to 5:00 am
Thursday, August 6, 2020, 9:00 pm to 5:00 am
Although the pesticide is approved by the Environmental Protection Agency, residents are advised to take the following precautions: Minimize exposure, remain indoors during the hours while spraying is in progress. Spraying will not be conducted in the event of wind speeds more than 10 mph or inclement weather.
A detailed map of the spray area can be viewed at http://www.dallas.leateamapps.com/PublicMap/
“In addition to COVID-19, we can’t forget about West Nile Virus.
Remember the four Ds: Dress, Drain, Dusk/Drain, and DEET” said Dr. Philip Huang, DCHHS Director.
Residents should use the 4D’s to reduce exposure to mosquitoes:
- DEET All day, every day: Whenever outside, use insect
repellents that have the active ingredient DEET or other EPA-registered repellents and
always follow label instructions. - Dress: Wear long, loose, and light-colored clothing outside.
- Drain: Drain or treat all standing water in and around your home or workplace where
mosquitoes could lay eggs. - All Day long: Day, Dusk and Dawn -Limit your time outdoors mosquitos are active
anytime day or night.
Residents in affected areas are encouraged to be a part of the solution by eliminating insect breeding areas and larvae before they develop into adult, flying mosquitoes. City residents are provided free mosquito dunks at 211 N. Henry Street while supplies last. This product assists in mosquito control by killing mosquito larvae when applied to water sources. For more information about ground spraying, please call 972-218-1300 or visit www.lancaster-tx.com.
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