Texas Lawmaker Carl O. Sherman Tests Positive For COVID-19

Photo courtesy of Rep. Ramon Romero

Representative Sherman Is Currently Asymptomatic

AUSTIN – Texas lawmaker Carl O. Sherman (D-109) who has continually encouraged others to stay safe, wear a mask, wash hands and socially distance tested positive Friday morning for COVID-19. Representative Sherman was not sure where he was exposed to the virus, but took safety precautions when hearing he might have been infected.

“Today, I received a positive test result for COVID-19, and though I feel fine, I am adhering to the professional doctor’s guidance and will be under strict self quarantine,”

Representative Sherman said Friday. “Please pray for my wife and family and others whom I worry I may have risked their health. It is my prayer that no one other than me will test positive. I remain in good spirits and will continue to work on behalf of the constituents I have been blessed to represent.”

Rep. Sherman has not experienced any symptoms prior to having the COVID-19 test administered and he is currently asymptomatic.

“I want to remind you that this disease should not be taken lightly and it is unpredictable in severity, so please continue to keep your guard up and your loved ones protected. Mask up, wash your hands with SOAP for more than 20 seconds – please, social distance, avoid large gatherings, and take care of one another,” Rep. Sherman added.
The most recent COVID-positive test at the Capitol was State Rep. Joe Deshotel a Republican from Beaumont.

Earlier this month a statement was also released by House Speaker Dade Phelan’s office to members stating the chamber “is following CDC guidelines for self-quarantine and self-isolation following exposure to COVID-19.”

In addition to Representatives Sherman and Deshotel, other state leaders who have tested positive since the COVID-19 pandemic began last year include Texas Supreme Court Justice Debra Lehrmann, Rep. Tony Tinderholt, Sen. Kel Seliger, former House Speaker Dennis Bonnen and Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller.

“I thank God it’s Friday,” Rep. Sherman concluded. “I am thankful to God. I am grateful He is in control. I will do my part because faith without works is of no effect. I can rest in the truth that God is in control, which means I can face things that are out of my control and not be out of control. God bless.”

Rep. Sherman will quarantine and follow all necessary guidelines.