DALLAS – With the onslaught of COVID-19 people are being asked to stay safe.
One way to do that is to wear a facial covering.
Facial coverings are being worn right now not only to keep you safe from others, but to also keep others safe from you – just in case.
There are certainly a variety of facial coverings to choose from right now. And, the longer we are asked to wear masks, the more creative people are going to get with their style.
While there are classic Louis Vuitton face masks, Chanel leather masks and even sequin jeweled options out there, most Dallas area residents have not gone to such extremes.
That does not mean people are not getting creative though.
Local Grand Prairie hairdresser turned temporary mask maker Savanh Vu said she makes facial coverings for her family and friends that reflect their personality.
Facial coverings have become a way of self-expression during a time when some people are trying to decide how to identify themselves during this pandemic.
“Facial masks bring out someone’s personality,” said Vu. “I have found some prints that match my friend’s personality, so I have to make a facial covering for them from the material. Since we are no longer able to see someone’s face or mouth – basically their entire face – you cannot really tell what they are thinking or saying. That can be a little intimidating with a mask on. I have tried to get material to make masks that are fun making this all less severe.”
Vu’s facial coverings are made with cloth using three layers.
She began to help sew facial coverings to help her husband’s family members who began making and donating masks. They were originally made for those on the front line and in medical offices.
So far, Vu has made about 60 masks.
She said her in-laws have made over 2000. They even rigged a machine in their home to cut the fabric in order to mass produce.
While the masks do not meet CDC requirements, there is a filter inside the cotton fabric.
Vu said “that helps somewhat as opposed to just cotton and cloth. We do what we can.”
What is a person’s facial covering saying about who they are?
I asked a few people, how did you choose your mask? One man said he was wearing a bandana facial covering with skulls because he always liked pirates.
A few other men just simply said they were wearing the masks they were given by their significant others.
For women, Vu said she sometimes wears a normal medical-style mask as well as one of her several fashion masks she made for herself.
Others said, they think masks are a good way to promote a business. There are also masks with sports teams emblazoned on them. Some have a fun statement like Hello Kiddy or a favorite animal.
While we might not be able to see a person’s mouth or even half of their face in some cases with a mask being worn, we can still see a bit of a person’s personality through their facial covering.
So next time you see someone wearing a mask, do what I did at the Starbucks a few weeks ago. It could be the compliment of the future when you say “Hey, I really like your mask.”