POSTPONED Best Southwest Cities Host Business Workshop

Best Southwest workshop

UPDATE MARCH 13, 2020 3:45 PM Postponed until further notice

DESOTO – Is your business venture idea a Best Southwest jewel?

DeSoto, Cedar Hill, Duncanville and Lancaster are reaching out to minority and women business owners, as well as those vendors who are often classified by the federal government as “Historically Disadvantaged Businesses” in order to offer them a few tools to success.

In a workshop on March 26 attendees will have the chance to network and take home vital information that will inform about business and contract opportunities within the Best Southwest partnership.

The comprehensive workshop is open to anyone interested in doing business in these Best Southwest Partnership cities.

“The workshops are held quarterly and provide in-depth learning on how to do business with our local governments and informs participants about upcoming procurement opportunities,” said Matt Smith, Communications Manager for the City of DeSoto.

The quarterly workshop also offers those in attendance the chance to network in the future with those they meet while at the event.

“On our own, each of the four Best Southwest Partnership Cities does an effective job of addressing the needs of our residents and moving our cities forward, but we become stronger and produce a much broader positive impact for our residents and businesses when we combine our efforts,” said DeSoto Mayor Curtistene S. McCowan.

The M/WBE designation also helps such businesses find opportunities with governments, and the workshop provides information about this designation and how vendors who qualify can work to secure it.

“One very important aspect of the workshop is the desire to attract diversified vendors and get them more involved with government procurement,” said Smith. “Included in this category are minority-owned or woman-owned business enterprises (M/WBE) from our area that went through a formal certification process to secure this designation.”

Registration also offers another outstanding benefit that is ongoing; the chance to be notified of opportunities as they occur.

DeSoto, Cedar Hill, Duncanville and Lancaster are all hosting the workshop in partnership and representatives from each of the four cities will be available. Not only will the representatives be helping vendors and service providers, but they will also be discussing with those interested what the process is to do business in one of the four cities.

“We will help them identify opportunities with each city and inform them about the training and certifications that would help them succeed,” Smith said.

Representatives from each city will also be able to provide their specific perspectives and speak to the specific needs of each city as it relates to the local businesses there.

“By working together to identify opportunities that our four governments create, and matching them with small businesses like vendors and service providers in our area that need the business, we are creating a ‘win-win’ situation that benefits and strengthens all in our region,” McCowan concluded.