Cedar Valley College Rising Star Club Helps Feed North Texas

Rising Star Club

Volunteers Fight Childhood Hunger In North Texas

LANCASTER—A group of Cedar Valley students recently did their part to fight the battle against hunger in North Texas. The Rising Star Club volunteered at the North Texas Food Bank on Friday, February 17, 2017.

The students worked by packing boxes of food for children who might not have anything to eat on the weekends. They worked from 9 to 11:30 a.m. and ended up packing enough food to feed 7,500 children!

Statewide 18.5% of families experience some form of food insecurity annually. Texas ranks second in the nation in the number of food insecure households.

Food insecurity is not solely based on daily statistics. Rather it is a survey of household nutritional habits throughout a calendar year. The United States Department of Agriculture defines food insecurity as the lack of consistent access to adequate food.

One of the best examples of food insecurity are low-income youth summer eating habits. Studies have shown without meals offered by public schools, many children do not consume the recommended daily three balanced meals.

The Rising Star Club

Students participating included Amanda Hunter and Carolina Huerta. Also participating were Karen Sonnier, Rising Star Program Coordinator and Kim Rimmer, Rising Star Assistant.

Rising Star Club volunteers feed 7,500 food insure North Texas children.

The Rising Star Club is a component of the Rising Star Scholar Program through Dallas County Community College District Foundation. Established in 1999, it provides qualified Dallas County public and charter high school graduates with academic support services and up to $5,500 for tuition and books, based on financial need.

The Rising Star Club was established to promote an atmosphere of community and support for the Rising Star students through social events, study groups, and community service activities. This year’s club members have committed to at least 1 community service project per semester.

For more information on the Rising Star Scholar Program, please see the Cedar Valley College website or contact Karen Sonnier, Rising Star Program Coordinator at ksonnier@dcccd.edu.