Local Groups and Leaders Work Together To Increase Voter Turnout
DALLAS, Texas – Building on the success of its recent “Pack the Polls” car parade during the July primary election, local community groups and leaders are hosting a caravan designed to GOTV in disenfranchised communities on October 17th & 24th, from 9 am to 11 am.
The Dallas voting coalition, Our Vote is Our Voice, Dallas National Pan-Hellenic Council, Lit Young Adult Bible Study, DFW Urban League Young Professionals, and Heaven 97 KHVN are partnering to increase voter turnout by leading car parades from Skyline High School to various voting locations- the Skyline Branch Library, the Martin Luther King Center and the Oak Cliff Sub-Courthouse.

Attendees are encouraged to decorate their cars with signs using GOTV phrases and have fun empowering the community to get out and vote.
According to Senator Royce West, “This event was great and needed in the community to empower all ethnic groups to vote.”
The “Pack to the Polls” car parade aims to increase voter turnout specifically disenfranchised communities, restore power though voting for citizens looking to bring change to communities, and educate new voters on the process, requirements, and changes due to COVID-19.
For more information and event registration, visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/pack-the-polls-car-parade-registration-116922106167.