Dallas ArboretumDallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden hosted its third annual Groundhog Day celebration Feb. 2. A crowd of 125 people turned out to see if Arboretum Annie saw her shadow. Annie attended Groundhog Day at Dallas Arboretum on loan from Wild Things Zoofari north of Austin.
Groundhog Day
Old folklore legends claim that if a groundhog comes out of hiding and sees her shadow, it will frighten her into running back inside. That means six more weeks of winter for us. But if she doesn’t see her shadow, spring arrives early. Sadly, Arboretum Annie saw her shadow, so it looks like we’re in for another stretch of winter.
WFAA meteorologist Kalee Dionne, who served as guest emcee for Groundhog Day at the Arboretum, delivered the sad news. Annie decided to come out from hiding and enjoy her celebrity long enough to pose for selfies with some of her many admirers.
Dallas Blooms
Dave Forehand, Dallas Arboretum vice president of gardens, “This last winter blast gives additional time for our tulips and other spring bulbs to remain cold before they bloom later this spring. A longer winter means Dallas Blooms will last a little longer this spring, so even more people will be able to enjoy the largest floral festival in the Southwest.”
This year’s Dallas Blooms is themed “America the Beautiful,” and is presented by IBERIABANK/First Horizon. Dallas Blooms opens on February 20 and runs through April 11. The spring festival showcases an explosion of color from 100 varieties of spring bulbs and more than 500,000 spring-blooming blossoms. Thousands of azaleas and hundreds of Japanese cherry trees are also featured.
Each week, Dallas Blooms focuses on one of the six regions in the United States with food, music, flowers and special events. Visit dallasarboretum.org/blooms for more information.
Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden
The Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden is located on the southeastern shore of White Rock Lake at 8525 Garland Road, Dallas, Texas 75218. The Rory Meyers Children’s Adventure Garden is closed through February 19 for preventative maintenance. On-site parking is $15, or $10 if purchased in advance online. It is open daily from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Dallas Morning News is a principal sponsor, and the Arboretum is also supported by funds from the Dallas Park and Recreation Department. WFAA TV is an official media sponsor for the Dallas Arboretum.