Area business to be restricted back to 50% occupancy until hospitalization rate is below 15%
In a report from the White House Coronavirus Task Force, obtained by Center for Public Integrity, the task force says “Texas is in a full resurgence and must intensify mitigation efforts.” While the state ranks 34th for highest new case rate in the country, the hospitals are filling up.
From the City of Red Oak:
As COVID-19 cases increase so do COVID-19 hospitalizations in Ellis County and all of Trauma Service Area E (TSA-E). As of December 1, 2020, TSA-E has had five consecutive days of the percentage of all hospitalized patients with lab confirmed COVID-19 being above 15% with Ellis County currently at 34.01%.
Assuming the area remains above 15%, effective Friday, December 4, 2020 at 12:01 a.m., all restaurants, retail stores, office buildings, manufacturing facilities, gyms, exercise facilities and classes, and libraries will be required to return to a maximum of 50% occupancy levels. Bars and or similar establishments will be closed.
Additionally, all licensed hospitals in the Trauma Service Area are required to discontinue elective surgeries.
This restriction is in accordance with Executive Order GA-32 issued by Governor Abbott on October 7, 2020.
The Executive order allowed the reopening of specific venues to 75% capacity but created thresholds and business limitations for areas of high hospitalizations. Per the GA-32, an area of high hospitalizations means any Trauma Service Area with seven consecutive days in which the number of COVID-19 hospitalized patients exceeds 15% of the total hospital capacity. Continuing until the Trauma Service Area has seven consecutive days in which the number of COVID-19 hospitalized patients is 15% or less of total hospital capacity.
The City of Red Oak released this information to do our due diligence and make residents and businesses aware of the restrictions outlined in GA-32 and when they may go into effect. The City of Red Oak will release more information on Friday if GA-32 goes into effect.
Ellis County residents needing a COVID-19 test can get fee drive-thru COVID-19 testing provided by WellHealth on Tuesday and Wednesday, Dec. 2 & 3 and also Dec. 5 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Midlothian Senior Center, 4 Community Circle Drive, Midlothian, Texas 76065. This site uses the saliva method and results will be available within 48-96 hours. Register on site or pre-register for an appointment at