DeSoto Launches A Second Round of COVID-19 Grants

DeSoto small business grant

31 Businesses Will Benefit/Applications Accepted July 20th Through COB July 31st

The City of DeSoto is issuing a Second Round of funding opportunities for the City’s Small Business Grant Program with assistance from the DeSoto Economic Recovery Advisory Task Force’s Business Subcommittee which will be providing support to businesses receiving CARES Act funds.

Applicants will be able to access information about this second round of funding and in the next couple of days will be able to download their application via the Small Business Grant Page.

During Round One, 88 applications were received and 52 DeSoto small businesses were approved to receive a combined $210,000 in grant funding to be awarded once all required final documentation is received. Once these 52 businesses receive funding, the Small Business Grant Program will have a remaining balance of approximately $157,000 to assist another 31 DeSoto small businesses.

“DeSoto wants to use every tool that we can think of to help our small businesses recover from the harm that the COVID-19 pandemic has done in our community, and leveraging and providing funding so that our vital small businesses and now non-profits can get back on their feet is one of the ways that government can really make a difference,” stated DeSoto Mayor Curtistene S. McCowan.

desoto white ribbons

Desoto Economic Recovery Advisory Task Force

In late April, Mayor McCowan charged new City Manager Brandon Wright with assembling a task force composed of local business and civic leaders and having them work hand in hand with DeSoto government managers to create and implement steps that would take the fight to COVID-19 and help to the impacted businesses to recover and move forward.

In a relatively short period of time, the City of DeSoto’s Economic Recovery Advisory Task Force generated the following results:

  • Conducted business/marketing outreach and facilitated the application process for DeSoto’s Small Business Grant Program.
  • Provided 22,000 masks for distribution via the DeSoto Chamber of Commerce, at events at DC3, and during two peaceful demonstrations following the tragic killing of George Floyd.
  • Provided 1,250 reusable face masks to DeSoto ISD students participating in the school lunch program.
  • Donated several cases of bottled water to ISD’s district athletic program as a substitute for higher risk reusable water containers.
  • Partnered with the Dallas Behavior Medical Center to produce educational videos and provide COVID-19 support to students, staff, and parents.
  • Held a mask and hand sanitizer giveaway for several thousand DeSoto residents.
  • Produced a “DeSoto Together” COVID-19 resource document for DeSoto residents distributed in person, online, and on local STAR Transit shuttle buses.

For additional information about the Second Round of Small Business Grants from DeSoto and to download a copy of the application once it is posted, visit our dedicated page at