Dallas County Reports Highest One Day Total COVID-19 Cases

Dallas County 6-27-20

Texas Pauses Reopening As COVID-19 Spikes Across The State

DALLAS — With Governor Abbott requiring all bars to close on Friday at noon, some have joked Abbott is playing the “red light, green light” game with the state of Texas. Today, Dallas County Health and Human Services is reporting 561 additional positive cases of 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and 7 deaths, bringing the total case count in Dallas County to 19,595, including 351 deaths.

The additional 7 deaths being reported today include:

  • A man in his 40’s who was a resident of the City of Irving. He had been critically ill in an
    area hospital, and had underlying high risk health conditions.
  • A man in his 50’s who was a resident of the City of Dallas. He had been critically ill in an
    area hospital, and did not have underlying high risk health conditions.
  • A man in his 50’s who was a resident of the City of Dallas. He had been critically ill in an
    area hospital, and had underlying high risk health conditions.
  • A man in his 70’s who was a resident of the City of Dallas. He had been critically ill in an
    area hospital, and did not have underlying high risk health conditions.
  • A woman in her 70’s who was a resident of the City of Farmers Branch. She had been
    critically ill in an area hospital, and had underlying high risk health conditions.
  • A man in his 80’s who was a resident of a long-term care facility in the City of Irving. He
    had been critically ill in an area hospital, and had underlying high risk health conditions.
  • A woman in her 90’s who was a resident of a long-term care facility in the City of
    Seagoville. She had been critically ill in an area hospital, and had underlying high risk
    health conditions.

COVID-19 ER Visits Account for 29% of All Visits

We continue to see record high numbers of COVID-19 inpatients in Dallas County hospitals with 571 COVID-19 patients in hospitals for the period ending Friday, June 26. Additionally, the number of emergency room visits for COVID-19 like symptoms in Dallas County continues to be high with 694 emergency room visits in the 24-hour period ending Friday, June 25, which represents 29 percent of all emergency department visits in Dallas County according to information reported to the North Central Texas Trauma Regional Advisory Council. These numbers reflect an ongoing increase and impact on our acute care facilities.

Jenkins Wants Governor To Enact A Statewide or Regional Mask Law & Safer at Home Policy

“Today marks the highest amount of new cases that we have seen at 561 and ends our highest weekly average of new cases at 451 up from last week’s average of 358. We have 38 deaths this week. More importantly, we are at a record high for COVID-19 positives having doubled the amount of Dallas County residents in the hospital with COVID-19 during the month of June.

I am calling on the Governor to enact a statewide or at least regional masking law, reinstitute ‘Safer at Home’ for a period of 30 days, and close certain indoor businesses where masks cannot be worn 100 percent of the time. Further, in-restaurant dining should be discouraged. If you must eat at a restaurant, please eat on the patio, but health professionals recommend take out or delivery services during this time of the surge.

It is imperative that we all wear our masks outside of our homes and around other people. It’s up to all of us to flatten the curve and the best way to do that is to #wearamask and #stayhomesavelives,” said Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins.

All Dallas County COVID-19 Updates and Information can be found here: