Soldiers’ Angels Food Distribution to Veterans Needs Volunteers

Soldiers' Angels volunteers
Photo courtesy Soldiers' Angels

The national nonprofit Soldiers’ Angels today issued an urgent call for volunteer support for its monthly efforts to serve up to 150 food-insecure Veterans and active-duty Military families at food distributions in Dallas.

“We’re honored to provide a helping hand to those who chose to sacrifice for our nation,” said Soldiers’ Angels President and CEO and U.S. Air Force Veteran Amy Palmer. “With food insecurity and high grocery bills impacting many in our community, we are searching for additional volunteers willing to step up and help our Veteran and Military-connected neighbors.”

Soldiers’ Angels Expands to Dallas

The organization’s Military and Veteran Food Distribution program started in 2015 at the nonprofit’s headquarters in San Antonio and expanded to Dallas in 2023. The organization also hosts monthly events in Atlanta, Charleston, Denver, and Orlando. Each event provides pre-registered Veteran and military-connected families with, on average, 75 lbs. of groceries.

Veteran “Robert T.” provided the following endorsement of the organization’s efforts following a recent distribution: “The donations of food provided by Soldiers’ Angels alleviate some of the fears of not having enough food. Since being homeless, I have a fear at the back of my mind that I will start missing meals again. This resource helps alleviate the anxiety, stress, and depression associated with feeding yourself and your family. Your volunteers were very courteous and empathetic to the plight of the Veterans in need. Keep up the good work. Thank you for all you do.”


Soldiers' Angels needs volunteers for food distribution
Photo courtesy Soldiers’ Angels

Volunteers may pre-register at SoldiersAngels.Org/Dallas before each monthly food distribution. This volunteer opportunity requires standing, lifting, and bending. Volunteers are asked to dress appropriately for the weather, as events are held outside, regardless of the weather. Volunteer opportunities occur on the second Friday of every month from 8:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m. August 9, September 13, October 11, November 8, and December 13. Dates in 2025 can be found at SoldiersAngels.Org/Dallas. Food distributions will be in the parking lot of Holy Cross Catholic Church; 5004 Bonnie View Road in Dallas.

Soldiers’ Angels is a national 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides aid, comfort, and resources to the Military, Veterans, and their families. Founded in 2003 by the family of General George Patton, Soldiers’ Angels “Angel” volunteers assist Veterans, wounded and deployed personnel and their families in a variety of unique and effective ways. (Tax ID# 20-0583415, CFC# 25131). Learn more at

May no soldier go unloved | May no soldier walk alone | May no soldier be forgotten | Even after they come home.

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Jo Ann Holt
Jo Ann Holt is an award-winning journalist with 40+ years of experience as a writer and editor. She loves live performances, from country music concerts to Broadway musicals to community theatre productions. Holt also enjoys art and cultural festivals, and good food and wine. She’s toured Amsterdam, London, Puerto Rico, the Bahamas, and various cities in Mexico but looks forward to visiting even more countries. She has traveled by boat, plane, and train, but especially likes taking long road trips across the U.S. with her husband, retired history professor Durhl Caussey. They enjoy meeting friendly people, learning about different cultures, and visiting historic sites wherever they go.