Ochre House Theater Cinema is streaming a hit production from their 2017 season, “ORIGINAL MAN,” written and directed by Artistic Director Matthew Posey. The riveting musical revolves around Joe, a young man fighting to be free from an abusive father. Joe tries to leave his cruel, ruthless existence by creating an imaginary world.
“Original Man,” featuring original music, spectacle, and tour de force performances, is available to stream on their YouTube channel starting Dec. 23. Written and directed by Matthew Posey, the musical also features Marcus Stimac as Joe, Matthew Posey as Old Joe, and Carla Parker as Percy Neville. Justin Locklear (Lenny), Darren McElroy– (Roger/Rocket); Chris Sykes (Cory); Christian Taylor (Mr. Butterfield); Quinn Coffman (Tilly); Monet Lerner (Shawnee); Trey Pendergrass (Drums); Aaron Gonzalez (Bass); Justin Locklear (Guitar/Music Director); and Kate Fisher (Keyboard).
Original Lyrics for “Original Man” were composed by the Company. Crew members included Stage Management (Korey Parker); Set Design (Matthew Posey); Scenic Artist (Isaac Davies); Props (Mitchell Parrack); Costume Design (Samantha Rodriguez); and Lighting Design (Kevin Grammer). The show poster is by Jeremy Word; photos by Trent Stephenson; and videographer, Scott Shaddock.
If you’re looking for a late gift for music lovers or theatre buffs, Ochre House has the studio soundtrack available for “Original Man” is $30. The price includes the vinyl, a beautiful commemorative photo book, a bonus code to download the album, and shipping and handling.
Link to Ochre House Theater Cinema YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/ochrehousetheater
Ochre House Theater
Ochre House Theater is a 50-seat alternative theatre with a dedicated team of artists and designers. They take pride in producing high quality theatre productions using minimal resources to reach maximum potential. Ochre House boasts a core of talented actors, musicians, dancers, puppeteers, designers, and staff, all committed to creating top quality ensemble-based theatre.
Several improvements have been made to Ochre House Theater’s space, with the most important being a new air filtration system to make the compact space Covid-19 safe.
Press materials relate “We are preparing diligently for when audiences and artists can all return back to the theater and be together again.”
Ochre House Theater is located at 825 Exposition Avenue in Dallas’ Exposition Park district, just a block or so across the street from Fair Park. For information, please call 214-826-6273 or visit them online at ochrehousetheater.org.