Low Cost Vaccination Clinic Midlothian Fire Department Administration Building Thursday October 15
The CDC recommends everyone receive a flu vaccine this season to help reduce the burden on our healthcare systems responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. By reducing the number of patients needing treatment for flu, it saves medical resources for care of COVID-19 patients. Also, CDC and medical experts recommend you get your flu shot in September and October.
A Texas Department of State Health Services vaccination clinic for flu shots and other vaccines for qualifying children and adults will be hosted at the Midlothian Fire Department Administration Building on Thursday, Oct. 15, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Appointments and eligibility are required.
Children with no insurance, are underinsured, or have Medicaid are eligible; as are Native American and Native Alaskan children.
All childhood vaccines will be available. A $10 per-visit-fee may be requested, regardless of the number of vaccinations given; however, no one will be turned away for inability to pay.
Adults are eligible only if they have no insurance. Vaccinations available for adults include hepatitis A, hepatitis B, TD, TDaP, HPV through age 26, meningitis through age 21, MMR, varicella, shingles over age 50 and pneumococcal age 65 and older unless they have heart or lung issues or are immunocompromised. Adults may be charged $20 per visit, regardless of the number of vaccinations given. Again, no one will be turned away for inability to pay.
For more information or appointments call 817-517-2306. Visit the City of Midlothian website to obtain a printable flier.