City of Midlothian ORDINANCES


An ordinance of the City Council of the City of Midlothian, Texas, appointing directors for Midlothian Municipal Management District No. 3; and providing an effective date.

An ordinance of City of Midlothian, Texas, approving the 2024 Annual Service Plan Update to the Service and Assessment Plan, including the assessment roll, for the Redden Farms Public Improvement District in accordance with Chapter 372, Texas Local Government Code, as amended; and providing an effective date.

An ordinance of City of Midlothian, Texas, approving the 2024 Annual Service Plan Update to the Service and Assessment Plan, including the assessment roll, for the Westside Preserve Public Improvement District in accordance with Chapter 372, Texas Local Government Code, as amended; and providing an effective date.

An ordinance of the City of Midlothian, Texas, amending the City of Midlothian Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map by changing the zoning of a 0.888± acres in the Benjamin F. Hawkins Survey, Abstract No. 464 from Community Retail (CR) Zoning District to Planned Development District No. 118 (PD-118) and amending and restating the development and use regulations of Planned Development District No. 118 (PD-118) as set forth in Section 1 of Ordinance No. 2020-50, inclusive of all exhibits thereto; providing for a conflicts resolution clause; providing a severability clause; providing a savings clause; providing a penalty of fine not to exceed two thousand dollars ($2,000) for each offense; and providing an effective date.

An ordinance of the City of Midlothian, Texas, amending the City of Midlothian Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map by changing the base zoning relating to the use and development of Lot 33 of the Twin Oaks West Addition, Phase 1, from Agricultural (A) Zoning District to Single-Family Two (SF-2) District; providing for a conflicts resolution clause; providing a severability clause; providing a savings clause; providing a penalty of fine not to exceed two thousand dollars ($2,000) for each offense; and providing an effective date.

An ordinance of the City of Midlothian, Texas, amending the City of Midlothian Zoning Ordinance by amending Section 3.5700 “Secondary Dwelling Units” relating to the regulation of Secondary Dwelling Units; and amending Section 100.100 “General Definitions” by adding the definition for “Secondary Dwelling Units”; providing for a conflicts resolution clause; providing a severability clause; providing a savings clause; providing for a penalty of fine of not more than $2000 per offense; and providing an effective date.

An ordinance amending the City of Midlothian’s Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Midlothian Community Development Corporation (Type B) Fund Budget Appropriations in an amount not to exceed $1,264,376 from the unreserved fund balance to fund the land purchase of property at 450 Mt. Zion Road in accordance with Chapter 102, Local Government Code; appropriating various amounts thereof; repealing conflicting ordinances and resolutions; including a severability clause; and establishing an effective date.

An ordinance of the City of Midlothian, Texas, amending the Code of Ordinances by amending Chapter 1 titled “General Provisions” by amending Article 1.10 titled “Electioneering at Polling Locations on City-Owned Property” to establish regulations for placement of a tent, canopy or temporary structure on city-owned property; providing a repealing clause; providing a severability clause; providing a savings clause; providing for a penalty of fine not to exceed the sum of five hundred dollars ($500.00); and providing for an effective date.

An ordinance amending the City of Midlothian’s Fiscal Year 2023-2024 General Fund Budget Appropriations in an amount not to exceed $85,000 from the unreserved fund balance to fund the purchase of approximately twenty (20) patrol rifles, eight (8) shotguns, and accompanying optics and hardware (the amount will be repaid by City of Midlothian police officers participating in the purchase program) in accordance with Chapter 102, Local Government Code; appropriating various amounts thereof; repealing conflicting ordinances and resolutions; including a severability clause; and establishing an effective date.