Midlothian ISD Place 6 David Thomas Profile

David Thomas
Photo provided by David Thomas

Midlothian ISD Place 6 Candidate: David Thomas

We reached out to Will Marks, David Thomas and Tami Tobey with the same set of questions, to give voters a chance to learn more about each candidate. We encourage you to also check the candidates Facebook or campaign pages to learn more or to contact them with any questions.

What changes are you looking forward to in your new term?

A. I am looking to continue to support our strategic plan with the team of eight. Support the superintendent, staff, students, and community. I am also hoping to be an active voice for our CTE program and see that program flourish. I want to ensure that the superintendent is provided the support to ensure all of our staff have the resources needed to educate the whole student.

What will be the challenges to overcome in the new term?

A. As I have attended close to 95% of the school board meeting in the last 6.5 years I am already fairly up to speed on what is happening in our district. As with any team there will be the storming, forming, and norming as a new team begins to work together. I will strive to bring cohesiveness to the board.

With COVID still present and schools being cautious how do you think the ISD is best served moving forward and is there anything else you believe should be implemented?

A. I believe that we need to continue to follow the advice and direction of healthcare professionals. We have good processes in place to help mitigate the spread of COVID. I believe that it is important for parents and caregivers to continue to teach their children good health hygiene.

Is there another District in the DFW area you feel is doing things better than MISD and lessons MISD can learn from/implement in the future?

A. I have not researched what other schools are doing well. But I think that we can continue to bolster our AP program and perhaps collaborate with other schools that are excelling in their AP programs.

In what areas/ ways do you think the board can improve their working relationship with each other & the community?

A. The board is a team of differing people and differing opinions. I believe that it is critical for a board trustee to have dialogue, actively listen, and be open minded. It is ok to disagree but we are adults and it is vital to model teamwork, active listening, and dialogue for our students. The trustee must listen to the community. This can happen through casual conversation, active listening, and public comment. We must realize that the trustee is not first in the chain of command and often time there can be things brought to a trustee that can inhibit the ability of the trustee to address the issue once it becomes a board matter.

Some of the school board candidates have been having public meetings with the community at local restaurants, parks, etc. to give students/parents an opportunity to ask questions or share their concerns-do you have any plans to do this before the election or would you do this if elected to make yourself more accessible?

A. I am available for conversation, coffee, or collaboration anytime. My number is 682-553-9507. I would rather talk than text. I am also available on Facebook.

In reviewing campaign finance disclosure forms, you received donations from a sitting board member-do you feel like this could hurt morale on the board? Does it send the right message for current board members to support candidates running for the board?

A. I am not sure how it will hurt the morale of the board because someone that I have known for several years wanted to donate. I would say that the first amendment applies to everyone. Has anyone reached out to my supporter and asked them why they would support a new candidate instead of the incumbent? Editor’s note: We have tried to contact Mr. Smith for a comment and have not received a response.

Early voting in Ellis County has started and runs through October 30, for more information we have early voting locations as well as candidate forum recaps, and a general Midlothian election article.