RED OAK—The candidate filing and voting dates have been set for the 2019 Red Oak Independent School District’s Board of Trustee election. The Board election will be held on Saturday, May 4, 2019. The election will consist of a general election with Place 1 and Place 2 for three-year terms, and a special election to fill the vacancy in Place 5 for a one-year term.
Candidate filing dates for the Red Oak ISD Board of Trustees election are January 16 through February 15. Interested candidates may pick up and submit a candidate packet at the Red Oak ISD Education Service Center (Administration), 109 W. Red Oak Rd, from January 16 to Thursday, February 14 from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. and on Friday, February 15 from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Positions up for election in 2019:
Place 1: Dr. Joy Shaw (incumbent), 3-year term
Place 2: John Hawkins (incumbent), 3-year term
Place 5: Vacant, one-year term
Early voting for the election will occur April 22-26 and April 29-30 – times and locations to be announced soon. Polls will be open 7 a.m.-7 p.m. on Election Day – Saturday, May 4. More information can be found on the Ellis County Election Website –
Key Dates:
Candidate Filing: January 16-February 15
Early Voting: April 22-26, 29-30
Election Day: May 4
Red Oak ISD Honors School Board In January
January is School Board Recognition Month, and Red Oak ISD will join the Texas Association of School Boards and other districts across the state to honor the countless contributions of these locally elected advocates for Texas school children and public schools.
“School board members tackle a difficult job and shoulder enormous responsibilities. These men and women are elected to establish the policies that provide the framework for our public schools. They provide vision and leadership in their roles as advocates, and they will continue to stand up for public education and guard against anything that takes away from our children or undermines our public schools,” said Dr. Michael Goddard, Red Oak ISD superintendent.
“Our district benefits from the tireless work and countless hours contributed by these local citizens who work without pay. Serving as a crucial link between the community and classroom, our board is responsible for an annual budget of $55 million, 5,900 students, 900 employees, and seven campuses.”
Board members are being celebrated by campuses throughout the month and will receive special items from each campus and district at the January 22, 2019, Board Meeting. We have also created special social media and web posts during the month.
“It’s more important than ever before that the public support public education so that today’s students are prepared to be productive citizens and the leaders of tomorrow. Please take a moment and tell school board members ‘thanks for caring about our children and giving so much to our community.’ Let them know we support them and that their dedicated service is recognized and truly appreciated,” Dr. Goddard said.