Q&A: David Hurst Candidate – Midlothian City Council – Place 5 SPECIAL ELECTION

David Hurst headshot
David Hurst courtesy photo

What are some of the things you would like to accomplish if elected?

As a candidate, I have several goals that I would like to accomplish if elected. Firstly, I plan to prioritize the development of infrastructure, including roads, water and sewer systems, transportation. This will be critical to supporting our growing community and maintaining the high quality of life that we all value.

Second, I am committed to promoting economic development and job creation in our area. This will involve working with local businesses and community leaders to attract new industries and create opportunities for our residents.

Finally, I am dedicated to maintaining the strong sense of community that we have in Midlothian. I plan to listen to the concerns and ideas of our residents, and work collaboratively with them to address any issues that arise.

Overall, I believe that my vision and leadership skills will be instrumental in guiding our community through the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Thank you for considering my candidacy.

What made you want to run for this office?

After living in Midlothian for nearly 30 years and serving on various boards in the community, I have gained a deep appreciation for the unique strengths and challenges we face. I have seen firsthand how decisions are made and how things get done in our town, and I am now at a point in my life where I feel compelled to invest back into my community in a more visible leadership role.

Throughout my time on the boards of local organizations like the Midlothian Economic Development Corporation and the Midlothian Community Development Corporation I have learned the value of listening to diverse perspectives and building consensus around common goals. I have also seen how much can be accomplished when people come together to solve problems and support one another.

If elected, I will bring this collaborative, community-focused approach to the role of City Council Member. My goal is to help Midlothian continue to thrive and grow in a way that benefits all of our residents. Whether it’s improving infrastructure, strengthening our schools, or attracting new businesses, I am committed to working tirelessly on behalf of our community.

Ultimately, I am running for office because I believe that every person in Midlothian deserves the opportunity to live a happy, healthy, and fulfilling life. I am excited to have the chance to serve my fellow citizens and work towards that goal.

What are some of the most important qualities that a city council member should have?

In my opinion, some of the most important qualities that a city council member should have are:

1. Integrity: A city council member must be honest, ethical, and transparent in all their actions and decisions. They must always act in the best interest of the community and avoid conflicts of interest.

2. Leadership: A city council member should be able to inspire and motivate others to work towards a shared vision for the community. They must have the ability to make tough decisions and take responsibility for their actions.

3. Communication skills: A city council member must be an effective communicator who can listen to the concerns and ideas of their constituents and communicate clearly and effectively with other council members, city staff, and the public.

4. Collaboration: A city council member must be able to work collaboratively with others to find common ground and reach consensus on important issues. They should be able to build relationships and work effectively with stakeholders from diverse backgrounds.

5. Knowledge: A city council member should have a good understanding of local government and the issues facing their community. They should be willing to continually learn and educate themselves on these issues to make informed decisions.

6. Accountability: A city council member must be accountable to their constituents and take responsibility for their decisions and actions. They should be open to feedback and willing to admit when they are wrong.

Overall, a city council member should be a servant leader who is dedicated to improving the quality of life for their constituents. They should be willing to listen, learn, and work collaboratively to make a positive impact on their community.

What are some of the ways you are involved in the community?

My family and I have been deeply committed to Midlothian for many years, and we have been involved in a variety of ways to give back to the community that has given us so much.

One of our primary areas of involvement has been in the schools. We are proud to have graduated all four of our children from MISD, and we have been active supporters of our schools through volunteering and fundraising.

In addition to our involvement in the schools, my wife and I are active members of our church and have volunteered with various organizations in the community. I am particularly proud of my service as an appointed Board Member of the Midlothian Development Authority, the Midlothian Economic Development Corporation (Vice-Chairman and Chairman), and currently serve on the Midlothian Community Development Corporation.

These organizations have allowed me to work collaboratively with other community leaders to promote economic development and job creation in Midlothian.

Finally, I am honored to serve on the Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee. This is a crucial initiative that will guide the future growth and development of our community for years to come, and I am proud to be a part of this effort.

Overall, my involvement in the community has been motivated by a deep commitment to serving others and making Midlothian an even better place to live, work, and raise a family. I am grateful for the opportunity to give back to the community that has given us so much, and I look forward to continuing to work alongside my fellow citizens to make Midlothian the best it can be.

Discuss your top three priorities.

1. Managing Economic Growth: Midlothian is experiencing rapid growth, and it is essential that we manage this growth in a thoughtful and sustainable way. One of my top priorities will be to work with city staff, local businesses, and community leaders to promote a diverse mix of small business, large business, industrial and retail uses that will provide a sustainable source of revenue to cover the operating expenses of running a City while working to relieve the tax payer burden on home owners. To achieve this, I plan to work to attract new businesses to the area, promote entrepreneurship, and invest in workforce development initiatives that will create job opportunities for all residents.

2. Sensible Leadership: I believe that a city council member should lead with integrity, transparency, accountability and civility. My goal is to provide sensible leadership that represents the community with respect for all voices. To achieve this, I plan to engage with my constituents, listen to their concerns, and make decisions that are in the best interest of the community as a whole. I will also work to promote open communication between council members, city staff, and the public, so that we can build trust and work collaboratively to solve problems.

3. Community-Minded Decisions: In all my decisions, I will make sure to consider all sides of an issue and make decisions that have the greatest positive impact on the greatest number of our citizens. I will prioritize community-minded decisions that promote safety, sustainability, and equity. This includes investing in infrastructure that supports safe and accessible transportation, protecting our natural resources, and ensuring that all residents have access to affordable housing, quality education, and healthcare.

Overall, my priorities are interconnected, and my goal is to create a community that is sustainable, equitable, and prosperous for all residents. If elected, I will work tirelessly to achieve these priorities and make Midlothian the best it can be.

How long have you lived in the City and what experience do you bring to the role that you feel sets you apart from your opponent?

I have been a resident of Midlothian for just short of 30 years, and during that time, I have been actively involved in various volunteer and appointed roles in the community. This experience has given me a deep understanding of the issues facing our town, as well as the skills and knowledge to effectively address them.

Some of the roles I have served in include the Midlothian Economic Development Corporation, where I was instrumental in negotiation and attracting major businesses such as the Google Date Center, Sunrider Corporation and SunOpta. These experiences have given me valuable insights into the workings of local government and major corporations that bring high paying jobs and generate revenue to meet the needs of our community.

In addition to my service in various roles, I also bring unique skills and experience to the role of founder and Chairman of several business related to architecture, design and construction. I have lead at the executive level for most of my career and work on projects at a national leverl. I believe that this experience will enable me to make informed decisions and lead with confidence if elected.

Finally, I believe that my experience and qualifications set me apart from my opponent. While they may bring their own skills and experience to the table, I believe that my track record of selfless and faithful service to the community makes me the best choice for this role. I am committed to working tirelessly on behalf of all Midlothian residents, and I look forward to earning your support.

When making decisions, how do you determine what is in the best interest of the city?

When making decisions as a city council member, I will always keep the long-term implications of any decision in mind. This means looking beyond short-term gains or losses and considering how a decision will impact the community over time. I will also strive to ensure that policy decisions can be applied fairly and evenly, so that everyone in the community has an opportunity to benefit.

To determine what is in the best interest of the city, I will listen carefully to feedback from constituents and stakeholders. I understand that there are often competing priorities and interests, and it is important to balance these and find solutions that benefit the greatest number of our citizens. I am committed to being transparent and accountable in my decision-making process, and I will always communicate my reasoning and the factors that went into my decision to the public.

I have applied these decision-making principles in my professional and personal life, and I believe they will serve me well as a city council member.

Overall, my goal as a city council member will be to make decisions that focus on the needs of our overall community, not just the demands of vocal special interests.

Please describe how you would react to a situation in which the Council voted 4-3 to approve a very contestable issue and you were on the dissenting side.

If I found myself on the dissenting side of a vote on a contestable issue, I would react with respect for my fellow council members and a commitment to continue working on behalf of the community.

In my personal and professional life, I have been in situations where I was on the dissenting side of a vote, but I always maintained my principles and acted in the best interest of those I was serving. While it can be disappointing to lose a vote, I believe that respectful dialogue and a commitment to building consensus is essential to effective governance.

Moving forward, I would continue to work with my fellow council members to find common ground and build consensus on issues that affect our community. I would not be swayed by pressure to swing a vote one way or another, but rather would make independent decisions that I believe are in the best interests of the greatest number of our citizens. Ultimately, my commitment to my principles and independent decision-making will benefit the community, even if I am on the dissenting side of a vote.

In conclusion, I believe that respectful dialogue and a commitment to consensus-building are essential to effective governance. Regardless of the outcome of a vote, I will remain respectful of my fellow council members and strive to build consensus on every issue that comes before the Council.

If you could change one thing in our zoning code, what would it be and why?

While I don’t have any specific zoning code changes in mind, I do have some general thoughts on how we can improve the zoning process in Midlothian. One thing that I would like to see is a move away from the concept of planned developments. While planned developments can provide more control over individual developments and ensure that they meet certain standards, I believe that they are ultimately taxing on city staff, the Planning and Zoning Commission, and City Council. They can also be unevenly applied from one zoning case to another, leading to confusion and frustration among staff, developers and residents alike.

Instead, I believe that we should focus on creating zoning ordinances that are based on generally intended uses and that can be updated from time to time as needs and vision dictate. The zoning should be based on the Comprehensive Plan that has been established by the Council and updated as the Comprehensive Plan is updated. This will provide more consistency in zoning decisions and reduce the workload on city staff, while still ensuring that the community’s needs and vision are reflected in the zoning code.

To ensure that any changes to the zoning code reflect the needs and desires of Midlothian residents, I am committed to community involvement and stakeholder engagement throughout the zoning process. This includes engaging with developers, residents, and community organizations to understand their concerns and feedback, and working with city staff and the Planning and Zoning Commission to incorporate this feedback into the zoning code.

How do you plan to involve residents in the decision making process in our town?

As an elected representative, I believe it is essential to involve residents in the decision-making process in our town. This means being accessible and open to discussions with any individual, organization, or group that wishes to engage with me. I understand that I cannot be your voice without hearing from you, and I am committed to actively seeking out feedback and input from residents in all areas of governance.

What would you do to improve communication between city officials and the public?

While I believe that Midlothian has made great strides in improving communication between city officials and the public, I also recognize that there is always room for improvement. In the past, I have observed instances where communication breakdowns between city officials and the public have led to confusion, frustration, and a lack of trust.

I would encourage the City to continue its efforts to improve communication through social media posts, newsletters, and public notices. I would work closely with the newly-hired Communications Director, Laurie Lundberg, to identify areas for improvement and ensure that our communication efforts are responsive to the needs of the community.

Overall, my commitment to accountability and responsiveness will ensure that city officials are accessible and responsive to residents’ concerns and feedback. By promoting transparency, community engagement, and trust between residents and city officials, we can improve communication and build a stronger, more connected Midlothian.

Have you ever changed your mind on an issue after hearing the arguments of the opposing side? If so, what was the issue and why did you change your stance?

As a leader in my personal and professional life, I have had many opportunities to change my mind after hearing the arguments of the opposing side. In fact, I believe that being open to different perspectives and willing to change one’s mind when presented with new information is essential to effective leadership.

I am committed to being open to different perspectives and always seeking to learn and grow as a leader. I believe that this openness will ultimately benefit the community by promoting collaboration, consensus-building, and better decision-making. I am committed to staying informed and engaged with residents and stakeholders to better understand their needs and concerns, and to incorporate this feedback into my decision-making processes.

By listening to all voices and considering all perspectives, we can make better decisions and build a stronger, more connected Midlothian.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

Thank you for the opportunity to share my vision for the future of Midlothian. As a longtime resident and community leader, I am committed to serving the needs of all residents and working collaboratively to build a stronger, more connected community.

Throughout my personal and professional life, I have been actively involved in the community, volunteering my time and expertise to a range of organizations and initiatives. These experiences have prepared me for public leadership and instilled in me a deep appreciation for the power of civic engagement and participation.

I would be honored to earn your vote and serve as your voice on the City Council. But whether you choose to vote for me or my opponent, I urge you to be involved in your community and to take an active role in shaping the future of Midlothian. Together, we can build a brighter future for all.

Building Midlothian’s Future for Your Family and Ours!