Case B22-03
Applicant Adam Tellez of Blue Stairs, LLC (representing property owner Marvin Hawkins) has applied to the City of DeSoto requesting to obtain a variance from the City’s Zoning Board of Adjustment (ZBA) in order to construct a 2nd garage onto the existing residential dwelling structure with the 2nd garage to be constructed within the property’s restricted 10-foot side yard area. Constructing within the property’s restricted side yard area does not comply with Section 17.4(B)(2) “Area Regulations” of the City’s Zoning Ordinance. Said property is legally described as being Lot 15, Block 1 in the Wyndmere Addition (1404 Waterford Court, DeSoto, TX). The Public Hearing will be conducted on Thursday, December 15, 2022, at 7:00 p.m.
For meeting information go to the City website ( to view the agenda. If you have any questions regarding this case, contact the Planning and Zoning Department at (972) 230-9624. This hearing will be held in the Council Chambers at Town Center, Suite A, 211 East Pleasant Run Road, DeSoto, Texas. The building in which the above meeting will be conducted is wheelchair accessible; spaces for the mobility impaired are available. Any request for sign interpretative services must be made forty-eight hours prior to the time of the meeting. Arrangements for sign interpretative services may be made by calling the City Secretary at 972/230-9646 or by calling TDD-1-800-RELAYTX (1-800-735-2989).
Asunto B22-03
Applicant Adam Tellez of Blue Stairs, LLC (representing property owner Marvin Hawkins) has applied to the City of DeSoto requesting to obtain a variance from the City’s Zoning Board of Adjustment (ZBA) in order to construct a 2nd garage onto the existing residential dwelling structure with the 2nd garage to be constructed within the property’s restricted 10-foot side yard area. Constructing within the property’s restricted side yard area does not comply with Section 17.4(B)(2) “Area Regulations” of the City’s Zoning Ordinance. Said property is legally described as being Lot 15, Block 1 in the Wyndmere Addition (1404 Waterford Court, DeSoto, TX). The Public Hearing will be conducted on Thursday, December 15, 2022, at 7:00 p.m.
Para obtener información sobre la reunión, visite el sitio web de la Ciudad ( para ver la agenda. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre este caso, comuníquese con el Departamento de Planificación y Zonificación al (972) 230-9624. Esta audiencia se llevará a cabo en las Cámaras del Consejo en Town Center, Suite A, 211 East Pleasant Run Road, DeSoto, Texas. El edificio en el que se llevará a cabo la reunión mencionada es accesible para sillas de ruedas; Hay espacios disponibles para personas con movilidad reducida. Cualquier solicitud de servicios interpretativos de señas debe hacerse cuarenta y ocho horas antes de la hora de la reunión. Los arreglos para los servicios interpretativos de letreros se pueden hacer llamando al Secretario de la Ciudad al 972/230-9646 o llamando al TDD-1-800-RELAYTX (1-800-735-2989).
To be a valid written protest the protest or petition in opposition must be filed with the Planning Department before 4:00 P.M of the working day prior to the Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting where they will hear this case.