The Parker County Peach Festival returns in 2022 for its 37th anniversary. The all-day event draws large crowds to downtown Weatherford on July 9 for a fun-packed Saturday. The festival expands this year to feature over 200 arts and craft, food, and activity vendors in booths scattered all around the historic Weatherford courthouse. The festival offers everything peachy from homemade peach ice cream to cobbler, pie, peach tea, smoothies, or ice cream topped with fresh peaches. For those watching calories, those juicy Parker County peaches are a treat in themselves with no need of extra sweeteners.

Parker County Peach Festival Activities
Festival guests can enjoy continuous performances by local entertainers on two stages. The Food Competition is another event that has proved really popular with festival goers. Antique stores and specialty boutiques downtown are open and some run specials during the festival hours to encourage visitors.

An air-conditioned shuttle offers free transportation to and from the festival, with pickup locations at the 9th Grade Center, Weatherford College, and Heritage Park. The Parker County Peach Festival runs from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, July 9 in downtown Weatherford. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for kids age 5-12 (under 5 free), and available for pre-purchase only at
Parker County Peach Pageant
Parker County residents start planning for the July Peach Festival early in the year, and hold the Parker County Peach Pageant in June. Girls from infants to 21-year-olds are eligible to enter the competition. The queen and princess ride in the June Rodeo Parade, and also in the December Christmas parade.

The Peach Pedal Bike Ride draws over 2,200 cyclists for a fun event that benefits United Way of Parker County and the Weatherford Chamber of Commerce. Riders start from the Weatherford High School parking lot at 2121 Bethel Road in Weatherford. The 61-mile ride starts at 7:30 a.m., the 39-mile ride starts at 7:45 a.m.. The less strenuous 28-mile and 8-mile rides start at 8 a.m.
For peach lovers unable to attend this year’s festival, local orchards and markets offer peaches all summer, or at least until mid-August. Weatherford Farmers Market on Fort Worth Highway, Hutton Peach Farm at 210 Greenwood Cut Off Road; and Pop’s Peaches at 701 N. Main Street in Weatherford all have peaches. Rees’s Peaches at 6017 SFM 5 in Aledo also grow Parker County peaches.