The world premiere of “Elwood,” written and directed by Ochre House Theater’s Artistic Director Matthew Posey, opens October 27 and runs through Nov. 17. Tickets are priced at $17, and are available now at Tickets are also available at the door for cash or credit. All performances will be held in the intimate Ochre House Theater, 825 Exposition Avenue in Dallas.
The musical production features a troubled recluse named Elwood, who lives in the piney woods just outside Canton, Georgia. Posey’s “Elwood” tells the story of the man’s sordid past and his unpredictable future. He is trying to save a baby named Elvis, a child who has become his respondibility. Nefarious people are trying to take Elvis for themselves. The innocence of a child’s love and trust, along with Elwood’s determination to protect baby Elvis at all costs, lead the protagonist down a road he never expected to journey.
“Elwood” is a musical comedy filled with dazzling spectacle, dance, and original music that combine to spin a tale of a desperate man.
Directed by Matthew Posey, the ensemble cast includes Christian Taylor as Elwood; Matthew Posey as Ansel Barber; Quinn Coffman as Florida; Monet Lerner, Tennessee; Chris Sykes as Harley Tulips; Carla Parker, Sarah Barber; Kevin Grammer, Doc; Mitchell Parrack, Sheriff Dinkus Eggleston; Dante Martinez as Ernesto Bublé; and Elizabeth Evans as Cordelia.
Musicians will be Sarah Rubio Rogerson – Cello; Ian Mead Moore – Guitar; Olivia de Guzman – Keyboard; and Trey Pendergrass – Percussion. Justin Locklear is the Composer and Music Director. Korey Parker handles Stage Management; Kevin Grammer – Light Design; Ensemble – Costume Design; Matthew Posey – Set Design; Isaac Davies – Scenic Art; and Mitchell Parrack –Set Engineer.
A “Donate What You Can” performance of “Elwood” will be held Nov. 5 at 8:15 p.m. Regular performances of the show will be Wed.-Sat. at 8:15 p.m. Reservations are available online at For more information, call 214-826-6273.