DUNCANVILLE — The Duncanville Police Department, with assistance from the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) and the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners, arrested Marcellous Tourvoisier Dunbar for operating as a chiropractor without a license. Since January 28, 2018, Marcellous Dunbar was operating In-Touch Cryo and Wellness located at 920 East Highway 67 in Duncanville.
Once it was discovered Marcellous Dunbar was not a licensed chiropractor, the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners notified the Duncanville Police Department. Furthermore, they provided technical assistance in the investigation for Dunbar’s arrest before he could harm anyone.

According to the clinic’s web site, Dunbar is a ‘staff physician’ with seven years of experience in the field. There were a number of services offered such as cryotherapy, routine adjustments and acupuncture.
Dunbar has been charged with practicing without a license, which is a Class A Misdemeanor with a bond of $1,000 and has since bonded out.
Thursday, the minister and Shreveport, La, native was arrested without incident. The Duncanville Police Department executed a search warrant of the office after his arrest and additional charges may be forthcoming.
For patients wanting to verify that their Chiropractor is licensed in the State of Texas the state Board of Chiropractic Examiners maintains a list on their web site https://www.tbce.state.tx.us/.
Under the quick links menu, there is an option to verify chiropractic licenses, which is searchable by name or DC License Number. The database also informs patients if their doctor’s license is current, expired, or if they have had any board actions against them.
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Moreover, this is not Dunbar’s first run in with the authorities. In 2011, he was charged with burglary and grand theft for squatting in a military family’s Jacksonville, Florida, home.
Following the charges, Dunbar’s lawyer, Reginald Estell, told a local television station that Marcellous went through all the right channels.
“What he did was proper. He did not know that the home was sold at the time he had done it. No paperwork had been filed. Everything he saw, of record, was appropriate for him to take the action he took.”
He moved into the home under a real estate law called adverse possession, which allows abandoned homes to be commandeered so long as the inhabitant pays property taxes. Dunbar told channel 4 he was been given a bad rap by the media throughout this whole process.
“I do believe that the media has been unfair throughout this whole ordeal. My integrity has been questioned. Marcellous Dunbar is not a home thief.”
Reality Show
Later in 2015, the proclaimed self made millionaire made his mark in North Texas. He was a recurring character on a reality show entitled, ‘The Moguls’ airing on TXA Channel 21. According to reports, “the show followed six African American business owners supporting each other on the path to success.”
“If you’re sitting around twiddling your thumbs, you are not moguling,”said Dunbar in a 2015 tweet promoting the show. “If you’re sitting around waiting on something to fall from the sky, you are not moguling.”
It is not clear if the chiropractic business was a part of the series. According to the site, Dunbar treated a number of patients, including athletes, celebrities and elected officials.