Brian Harrison Wins House District 10 Seat
ELLIS COUNTY – Midlothian resident Brian Harrison, the former chief of staff at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, took home the District 10 win during last week’s runoff election to replace former State Representative Jake Ellzey. Representative Ellzey recently won a national seat and is headed to Washington DC.
Harrison came away with 6,717 votes against his challenger John Wray who is the former three-term District 10 Representative. Wray had 5,412 votes in unofficial results – this includes Henderson County results as well.
Harrison, who had the endorsement of Ted Cruz during the campaign, answered some questions this week for Focus Daily News regarding his win.
Fighting Against Government Overreach
“I am thankful to everyone in HD10 who put their faith in me to be their voice in the Texas Legislature. It was an overwhelming victory for the thousands of conservatives who rallied to our positive campaign for freedom, liberty, and Constitutional limits on governmental power. I look forward to working every day to fight against government overreach in pursuit of a more free and prosperous Texas.
There is no greater threat to our liberties than the unconstitutional and illegal actions trying to force COVID mandates coming out of the Biden Administration, and I hope to help Texas lead the nation in standing up and pushing back against them. As bad as COVID is, a loss of freedom and liberty is worse.”
FDN: What changes are you hoping to create now that you have won this election?
Brian Harrison: I look forward to working every day to fight against government overreach in pursuit of a more free and prosperous Texas. As a state we must stand up to the unconstitutional and tyrannical COVID mandates coming out of the Biden Administration, and I hope to help Texas lead the nation in standing up and pushing back against them.
Another enormous challenge is the border crisis created by Joe Biden when he overturned policies, I helped put in place to lock down the border during a public health emergency. Biden is now flooding Texas with thousands of COVID infected illegal immigrants and putting the lives of Texans in jeopardy. Given my knowledge of the precise policies and authorities, I look forward to helping Texas combat Biden’s reckless and purposeful open border actions.
FDN: You don’t have very long in this seat before the next election. What are you hoping to get done in this short time? What do you want to implement that will carry you into a new full term should you run again and win?
BH: I will work every day to fight against government overreach in pursuit of a more free and prosperous Texas and to fulfill my campaign promise to the people of HD10 to be the faithful conservative leader they can trust who will work to control spending, cut taxes, secure the border, protect life, and champion conservative values.
FDN: Anything else you want to say regarding your win?
BH: I am thankful to everyone in HD10 who put their faith in me to be their voice in the Texas Legislature. It was an overwhelming victory for the thousands of conservatives who rallied to our positive campaign for freedom, liberty, and Constitutional limits on governmental power.
Harrison is filling an unexpired term. The seat will be up for re-election again in 2022 for the beginning of the next regular session in 2023.