Grand Prairie To Spray For Mosquitoes Tonight & Tomorrow

Grand Prairie mosquito spray map

Grand Prairie To Spray For Mosquitoes On September 23 & 24 After 9 PM

The City of Grand Prairie reports one West Nile Virus positive mosquito sample and will ground spray that area on Wednesday, September 23 and Thursday, September 24, depending on weather conditions, starting at 9 p.m.
The spray area is bound by Jefferson Street on the north, SE 10th Street on the east, Trigg Street and Vought Place on the south, and SE 2nd Street on the west.
Residents in this area are advised to stay indoors, keep pets inside and cover fishponds during those times. Spraying will be rescheduled if wind speeds are above 10 mph or in the event of rain. All residents are asked to help eliminate the areas that mosquitoes need to breed by emptying, removing or covering any receptacle that can hold water.
Grand Prairie last reported two positive traps and treated areas for mosquitoes on September 16 and 17. With rains this week, please check areas around your home for water that may have accumulated. Mosquitoes also like untrimmed bushes, tall grass, and low-hanging branches provide great hiding places for them! Make sure to keep your yard maintained to avoid it becoming a breeding ground for mosquitoes.