DSHS Ellis County COVID-19 Data as of 7/7/2020
Today the Texas DSHS dashboard shows Ellis County has 570 active COVID-19 cases. Deaths remain at 19, with recoveries reported as 457. Total COVID-19 cases in Ellis County according to DSHS are 1182. Total number of COVID-19 cases in Ellis County are listed as 12,477.
Again these numbers are different from what Ellis County reports from Texas Health Trace.
Ellis County has stated “they are looking into the discrepancies” in reporting. However, they’ve said this for weeks without providing details on clarification on what actions they are taking.
From the Ellis County, Texas Government post, according to the case line list provided by Texas Health Trace (THT) for July 7th, there are 1,300 total cases of COVID-19 in Ellis County, including 382 active cases and 899 recoveries. As case numbers have increased in Ellis County, it is important that each of us take on a personal responsibility to slow the spread of COVID-19. As County Judge, I have faith in each of you to use wisdom and caution in your daily activities.
State Representative John Wray has previously noted:
* Active and Recovery numbers are estimated based on several assumptions related to hospitalization rates and recovery times, which were informed by data available to date. These assumptions are subject to change as we learn more about COVID-19.
**Numbers do not reflect cases that have not yet been reported by local health authorities to the DSHS/CDC
Case Count Discrepancies in Ellis County
Over the past few weeks, Ellis County has dealt with a change in reporting from the State of Texas. Previously, Ellis County received all case line data from the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS). DSHS region 2/3 oversees COVID-19 case tracking and investigations for over 49 counties across the region similar to Ellis County, who are not represented by a public health department. DSHS has now transferred COVID-19 data and case line information to the Texas Health Trace (THT) web-based platform.
As counties across region 2/3 are directed to THT as the primary source for COVID-19 case information, Ellis County will continue to uphold transparency by providing the information directly given to our Local Health Authority by the State. The THT case line data outlines cases by age, gender, and jurisdiction. While this allows us to inform Ellis County citizens accordingly, please be aware that these case line lists do not match the DSHS dashboard. Ellis County and other counties in region 2/3 have reported this discrepancy in case line reporting to the State of Texas.
Ellis County citizens must understand that COVID-19 is still a significant threat to our community and it is necessary that everyone takes measures to keep Ellis County healthy. Residents should wear masks while in public, practice physical distancing, and sanitize.