Lancaster Notice Z-22-05


City of Lancaster, Texas Notice of Public Hearings
Case #Z22-05

The City of Lancaster Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a Public Hearing at their meeting on Tuesday, March 1, 2022 at 7:00 pm in the City Council Chambers, City of Lancaster Municipal Center, 211 North Henry, Lancaster, Texas 75146 to conduct a public hearing and consider a zoning change from Agricultural Open District (AO) to Single-family Residential District (SF-2) for the property addressed as
639 E. Reindeer Road located on the north side of East Reindeer Road and west of Dasher Drive. It is further described as Lots 24 and 25, Block 1 in Abstract 1554 Survey Money Weatherford, Lancaster, Dallas County, Texas.

The City of Lancaster City Council will hold a Public Hearing on the above referenced case at their meeting on Monday, March 28, 2022 at 7:00 pm in the City Council Chambers, City of Lancaster Municipal Center, 211 North Henry, Lancaster, Texas 75146.

This meeting will be open to the public and will be held in the City Council Chambers, City of Lancaster Municipal Center, 211 North Henry, Lancaster, Texas 75146.
Please call the City of Lancaster Planning Division at (972) 218 1315 with any other questions.

The Municipal Building is wheelchair accessible. If you plan to attend the meeting and have a physical impairment which requires special arrangements, please contact the City Secretary’s office 72 hours prior to the meeting at (972) 218-1311.