Groundbreaking For Wintergreen Road Project

Wintergreen Road Project

About 50 people attended a groundbreaking for the long-anticipated Wintergreen Road Project August 1. Mayors of Cedar Hill, DeSoto and Duncanville participated in the groundbreaking ceremony along with Dallas County Commissioner John Wiley Price.

“The collaborative nature of this project drives home the importance of regionalism, and Duncanville is proud to be a partner in the Best Southwest Cities of Dallas County,” said Duncanville Mayor Barry Gordon. “We are excited for work to begin and to see greater connectivity and safety enhancements in our area. Thank you to the many organizations and people who helped make this project a reality.”

Construction is expected to be completed the summer of 2021 on Wintergreen Road from Main Street and Wintergreen Road intersection to 1300 feet east and Duncanville Road from intersection to 900 feet south. These improvements will enhance mobility for the Cities of Cedar Hill, DeSoto, and Duncanville as critical elements of their Master Thoroughfare Plans.

Four New Lanes, Other Improvements

Four new lanes of concrete pavement, a new bridge at Stewart Branch Creek, 4 (10-ft X 8-ft) box culverts on Duncanville Road, and storm drainage improvements are included. A traffic signal will be installed at the Main Street intersection. In addition, 1300 linear feet of 96 inch Water Main Transmission will be installed as part of the project for Dallas Water Utilities.

Also included are wider sidewalks and bike lanes in both directions along Duncanville Road. Plus, a trail along west side of Duncanville Road, and Windmill Hill Preserve parking improvements. Project limits are from Main Street and Wintergreen Road intersection to 1300 feet east and from intersection to 900 feet south on Duncanville Road.

Dal-Tech of Dallas was the engineering consultant, and the general contractor for construction is Texas Standard Construction of Dallas.

The project amount is $10,820,118. Funding for The Wintergreen Project is provided by the City of Dallas, Dallas County, Cedar Hill, DeSoto, Duncanville, along with North Central Texas Council of Governments Regional Toll Roads Revenue.