Duncanville City Council District 2 Only Contested Race

Duncanville City Council district 2 contested race
District 2 Councilmember Don McBurnett

The City of Duncanville only has one contested local election included on the Nov. 3 ballot this year. The race for City Council District 2 Councilmember has three candidates, including incumbent Don McBurnett.

After reaching out to all three candidates, Councilman McBurnett is the only one who responded to our request for information about his platform. The other two candidates for District 2 are Misty Bain and Hector Sifuentes.

McBurnett has served as District 2 Councilman and Mayor Pro Tem for the City of Duncanville the past two years. He stresses his experience, skills, and knowledge of critical issues as well as his honesty, dedication, and loyalty.

Duncanville City Council District 2

McBurnett has been a Duncanville resident for 36 years, and graduated from Duncanville HS. He received a Bachelor Degree in Business Administration from Northwood University, and works as an accountant for the State of Texas Health & Human Services. McBurnett belongs to Duncanville Lions Club and the First Christian Church.

When elected to the council, McBurnett says his goals were to provide funding for water, sewer and street assets; and to improve economic development. He also hoped to maintain property values, and ensure high quality city services for our tax dollars. These goals have been accomplished, McBurnett says, along with new sidewalks now in place and more being constructed.

Future goals include construction of a new fire station, road repairs, and multiple city park improvement projects. Improvements and remodeling of dated Municipal Buildings are another of his goals.

Don McBurnett Voting Record

McBurnett said, “While realizing quality improvements in City Services, I have consistently voted to lower our City Property Tax Rate for three budget years. I am excited about the accomplishments made for you in this past term, and want to continue serving as your Council member to complete the work in progress and provide further excellent city services.”

“Though Duncanville faces challenges due to State tax caps, land availability and Covid-19, we need to reinvest in our City with continued infrastructure improvements. We need Zoning Ordinance updates to improve redevelopment and other opportunities. Thus, the ultimate vision is to create a City where people would love to live, work and play for its citizens now and in future generations,” McBurnett said.

Early voting will take place Oct. 13-30 this year, followed by the general election on Nov. 3.