“The Chosen,” the popular series that has developed a global following through its first two seasons – filmed just outside Midlothian, by the way – is taking itself to bigger screens as it begins its third season.
And we’re not talking about a larger TV set.
Though the entirety of the third season (as well as the first two) can be seen on TV for free, folks will have the chance to see the first two episodes in theaters for five days beginning Nov. 18. Each theater will show the episodes, distributed through Fathom Events, at least 10 times during that span.
There will also be possible extended runs both domestically and in the U.K., Ireland, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, show officials are reporting.
The idea to open Season 3 in theaters came on the heels of the box office success of “Christmas With The Chosen: The Messengers” last year. It became Fathom Events’ best-selling and most highly attended event at the time, earning $8 million in sales on opening night.
“The stakes are way up for Angel’s first original scripted series,” said Angel Studios Chief Content Officer Jeffrey Harmon. “‘The Chosen’ has moved from an experimental project to a world-wide phenomenon and fans have high expectations for the next chapter.”
The theme of Season 3 is ‘“Come to me, all you who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.”
“The honeymoon phase is over, now the characters all have to deal with the costs and occasional confusions of following the Messiah,” said Director Dallas Jenkins.
“We want it on the big screen, and so do many of the fans,” he continued. “The theatrical experience is a wonderful experience. I am thrilled to offer this opportunity.”
While nothing official has been announced, show officials have said they are considering releasing other episodes in theaters as well. And while there are currently no plans for a movie, they said you never know what the future has in store.
So far, the series, scheduled for seven seasons depicting an authentic and intimate picture of Jesus’ life and ministry through the eyes of those who knew him, has more than 420 million episode views from around the world. Over the course of its first two seasons, the series has garnered praise from critics and fans alike for its historical and Biblical accuracy, playful spirit, stirring drama, genuine humor and disruptive impact.
With no fee or subscription required, it’s completely free to watch and available as both a standalone mobile and TV app, plus available on multiple streaming services.
Check the Angel Studios website to find participating theaters. Read our article on why “The Chosen” selected Midlothian for filming.