ROISD Moves To 1-to-1 Devices For Students

Red Oak High School delivery
Red Oak High School device delivery

ROISD Purchases Chromebooks For Students

(RED OAK, TX) — Red Oak ISD’s commitment to providing state-of-the-art education for all students has led to a financial investment of technology to provide 1-to-1 devices for all learners. In the summer of 2020, the ROISD School Board approved the purchase of approximately 2,000 Chromebooks and other devices to enable every student to have a device both for classroom learning and for at-home instruction, during the pandemic and beyond.

After many delays, our devices have arrived and we are prepared to begin distribution next week. Every 6th thru 12th-grade ROISD student will have the option to be assigned a ROISD device (Chromebook or Windows Laptop) to take home and back to school every day for instructional purposes. Every PreK thru 5th-grade ROISD student will have a device (Chromebook or iPad) available within the classroom. All current virtual learners who requested a device have been issued one previously in the year.

“Providing devices to all students is no longer a luxury, but a necessity,” stated Superintendent Brenda Sanford. “Our Board is to be thanked for seeing the value for our students and making the necessary decisions to provide these devices. Our students will benefit from the latest technology at their fingertips to conduct research, complete assignments, and further their educational dreams.”


Parents have received notifications to accept the terms of usage outlined in the Student Device Responsibility Usage Guidelines and the Technology Acceptable Use Policy in the Student Handbook, and to complete the request for a device online form through their Skyward account in order to receive a device.

With completed paperwork, students will be issued a device over the coming weeks through the campus Learning Commons by the Technology Department.

“We are grateful to the administration for bringing this recommendation to the Board,” stated Board President John Anderson. “Every student should have the tools necessary to pursue their academic goals. Technology is a major driver in education today and providing a device to every student is a major move in the right direction for Red Oak ISD.”