NOTICE TO BIDDERS BID NO. GH 2024-06 The City of Glenn Heights




The City of Glenn Heights, Texas intends to purchase and invites you to submit a sealed bid for:


Sealed bids in duplicate will be received by the City of Glenn Heights, Texas before 10:00 a.m. CST, MONDAY, JULY 8, 2024, in the Office of the Finance Director, 1938 S. Hampton Rd, Building C, Glenn Heights, TX 75154. Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud on Monday, July 8, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. in the City Council Chambers in City Hall.

Request for Proposal (RFP) documents may be obtained via the Internet by contacting the City of Glenn Heights Purchasing Department web page at or by contacting the Public Works Superintendent at 2118 S. Uhl Road, Glenn Heights, TX 75154 or (972) 223-1690, x430. Sealed envelopes shall be marked CITY OF GLENN HEIGHTS PROPOSAL FOR MOWING SERVICES & LITTER REMOVAL SERVICES #2024-06 – DO NOT OPEN UNTIL 10:00 AM ON MONDAY, JULY 8, 2024.”

Bids may be either mailed or hand delivered to the Finance Director’s Office, 1938 S. Hampton Rd., Bldg. C, Glenn Heights, TX 75154. Any bids received after the above stated time will be returned to the bidder unopened. Bidders shall submit BIDS in sealed envelopes upon the blank form of proposal furnished.

The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to waive any informalities, defects, or minor irregularities when deemed to be in the best interest of the City. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids/proposals which are incomplete, conditional, obscure, or which contain additions not allowed for; accept or reject any bids/proposal in whole or in part with or without cause; and accept the bid/proposal which best serves the City.

Notice of award of contract shall be given by the Owner within sixty (60) calendar days following the opening of bids. The successful bidder must qualify within two (2) working days after bid opening, by submitting such additional evidence as may be required by the City. The awarded bidder must furnish Certificates of Insurance that meet the City requirements within ten (10) days of award. Should the bidder fail to produce evidence satisfactory to the City on any of the foregoing points, he may be disqualified, and the work awarded to the next responsible bidder so qualifying.

CAUTION: It is the bidder’s/proposer’s responsibility to ensure that bids/proposals are received in the Finance Director’s Office prior to the date and time specified above. Receipt of a bid/proposal in any other City office does not satisfy this requirement.