GLENN HEIGHTS – When former Mayor Pro Tem Ron Adams resigned from his council seat last month he left a void that Glenn Heights Mayor Harry Garrett said will be hard to fill.
Adams’ resignation was accepted by the Glenn Heights City Council on Feb. 11.
He resigned due to a move that will take him out of Glenn Heights.
“The key to a good city leader is to leave the city a better place than what you found it,” Adams said. “I believe I have done that while working alongside councilmembers who I have served with over the years.”
Garrett agreed adding “Former Mayor Pro Tem Ron Adams is currently the longest-serving member of the city of Glenn Heights City Council. Just as important to his council service, Mr. Adams also served our community as pastor of the Ovilla Road Church of Nazarene. We will miss his humor, good cheer, but also his willingness to consider all sides of an issue for the benefit of the community.”
Garrett said that Adams’ departure will mean losing his wife, Cheryl, who served the city in numerous volunteer activities.
Ron Adams served on the council for five years
Adams sat on the council for five years, originally winning the seat in a special election.
Adams also served on the Parks and Recreation Board prior to his city council service.
“Both Mr. And Mrs. Adams’ steadfast service to the city in any area needed, both spiritually and legislatively, will be missed and incredibly difficult to replace,” Garrett concluded. “To all things there is a season, and we are grateful to have shared this time with them. We wish them success and happiness as they continue their journey. Glenn Heights will always be a welcoming home for them.”
A special election to fill the Place 4 vacancy will be held May 2. Dallas and Ellis counties early voting for the May election begins April 20-28.