City of Red Oak Under MANDATORY Stage 2 Water Restrictions

Red Oak Water restrictions flyer

Ellis County Experiencing Extreme Drought Conditions in 84% of County

Red Oak, TX- Last week residents in Ellis County celebrated when a storm came across the area producing a little rain. This June has been the 18th driest on record over the past 128 years. It’s the 9th driest year to date over the past 128 years (January-June 2022). Due to extreme conditions many cities are limiting water use like Red Oak. See below for current Stage 2 water restrictions in Red Oak.

drought map for Texas July 2022


The City of Red Oak is issuing MANDATORY Stage 2 water restrictions for all water customers beginning July 14, 2022. The following restrictions will remain in effect until further notice. City Staff will continue to monitor conditions and advise of any changes.

➡ No watering during the day between the hours of 6 am and 6 pm.

➡ Even-Numbered houses (0,2,4,6,8) may ONLY water on Monday, Wednesday, Friday

➡ Odd-Numbered houses (1,3,5,7,9) may ONLY water on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday

➡ Watering is permitted at any time through use of handheld hose with a shutoff nozzle or a faucet-filled bucket

➡ Use of water to fill or refill swimming pools is limited to your designated watering days and only from 6 pm to 6 am

➡ Operation of ornamental fountains is prohibited unless equipped with a recirculation system or necessary to support aquatic life

➡ Use of fire hydrants shall be limited to firefighting or approved construction purposes

➡ The following uses of water are defined as nonessential and prohibited: wash-down of sidewalks, driveways, parking lots, buildings, or structures other than for fire protection or dust control

➡ Violations can result in a fine of $250 to $2,000

We truly appreciate your cooperation as we navigate drought conditions and do our best to conserve water. For any concerns or questions, please call 469-218-7733