City of Glenn Heights Zone Change O-05-24



City of Glenn Heights
1938 South Hampton Road, Bldg. C
Glenn Heights, TX 75154

Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Glenn Heights, Texas, will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, August 20, 2024, beginning at 7:00 p.m., in the City Hall Council Chambers, located at 1938 South Hampton Road, Bldg. C, Glenn Heights, Texas, 75154, as prescribed by V.T.C.S., Government Code Section §551.041, to consider and possibly take action on the following:

Zone Change O-05-24: An ordinance of the City Council of the City of Glenn Heights, Texas, amending the zoning ordinance and map of the City of Glenn Heights, as heretofore amended, by changing the zoning classification from retail (R) to retail with a specific use permit for restaurant (Dine-In and Drive Thru) (R SUP) for an approximately 4.26 acres tract of land described as Portion of Lot 7 and Portion of Lot 9, Block K, Hollywood Addition, Phase II, and being commonly known as 300 Ovilla Road, Glenn Heights, Ellis County, Texas.

This case is receiving testimony and discussion from the City Council at the August 20, 2024 meeting.

All interested parties are encouraged to attend the Public Hearing to provide testimony/ express comments regarding this zoning request. If you cannot attend, you may submit comments in writing prior to the Public Hearing to the following:

Dr. LaSheyla Jones
City Planner
City of Glenn Heights
1938 South Hampton Road, Bldg. C
Glenn Heights, Texas 75154