NOTICE is hereby given to all interested persons that the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council for the City of Cedar Hill, Texas will hold public hearings and consider the following items on the dates, times, and locations stated in this notice:
Case No. PD-516-2022 – An application for a change in zoning from “LR” (Local Retail) District to “PD” (Planned Development) District for single-family residential, generally located west of North Cannady Drive at the terminus of the Showcase Drive, with the approximate address being 400 Showcase Drive.
Applicant: Venkataramana (Reddy) Murari, RedM Infra & PunditZ, LLC
Representative: Christopher H. Blevins, HP Civil Engineering, LLC
Property Owner: James Lin, JDI Investors LP
February 7, 2023
6:00 PM
T.W. “Turk” Cannady Cedar Hill Rm.
285 Uptown Blvd., Building 100
Cedar Hill, Texas 75104
February 28, 2023
7:00 PM
T.W. “Turk” Cannady Cedar Hill Rm.
285 Uptown Blvd., Building 100
Cedar Hill, Texas 75104
Case No. FP-518-2023 – An application for a final plat (replat) to reduce the building line. The proposed final plat (replat) requires a variance on property that is legally described as Lot 8, Block 4 of the Bent Creek Addition with the address being 901 Canterbury Court, generally located at the southwest terminus of Canterbury Court, north of East Pleasant Run Road and zoned “SF-10” (SingleFamily Residential – minimum 10,000-square-foot lots) District.
Applicant: Roger W. Hart, Barron-Stark Engineers, LP
Property Owners: Kevin Claros and Michelle Villela-Claros
February 7, 2023
6:00 PM
T.W. “Turk” Cannady Cedar Hill Rm.
285 Uptown Blvd., Building 100
Cedar Hill, Texas 75104
February 14, 2023
7:00 PM
T.W. “Turk” Cannady Cedar Hill Rm.
285 Uptown Blvd., Building 100
Cedar Hill, Texas 75104
NOTICE is hereby given to all interested persons that the Zoning Board of Adjustments for the City of Cedar Hill, Texas will hold public hearings and consider the following applications on the date, time, and location stated in this notice:
Case No. APPL-519-2023 – An application for a special exception to allow an alternative pavement surface in lieu of the required reinforced concrete on property zoned “I” (Industrial District), legally described as Lots 1BR and 1CR of the B & J Industrial District, generally located on the northeast corner of North J. Elmer Weaver Freeway (North Highway 67) and Grigsby Way with the approximate address being 660 Grigsby Way.
Representative/Property Owner: Chad Ware, Central States Manufacturing, Inc.
Applicant: Adam Davis Babbitt, Central States Manufacturing, Inc.
Case No. APPL-520-2023 – An application for a special exception to reduce the required number of parking spaces by up to seventy-five percent (75%) for industrial uses [Hillwood Development] on property zoned “I” (Industrial) District, generally located on the east side of J. Elmer Weaver Freeway, east and west of American Way with the approximate address being 1649 South Highway 67.
Applicant: Kayla Welsch, Hillwood
Property Owners: Adi Mayan, USICV High Point 67 Lot 2, Inc.; Toby Rogers, USICV High Point 67 Lot 1, Inc. and USICV Hight Point 67 Lot 3, Inc.
Case No. APPL-521-2023 – An application for a variance to the side yard requirement on property zoned “SF-8.5” (Single-Family Residential District – minimum 8,500-square-foot-lots) legally described as Lot 6, Block E of the Hidden Lakes Parkerville Holdings Addition, generally located on the west side of Hidden Lakes Drive, north of Cross Creek Drive, with the approximate address being 922 Hidden Lakes Drive.
Applicant: Nedrick K. Taplin
Property Owner: Nedrick K. and Kathy D. Taplin
Case No. APPL-524-2023 – An application for a variance to the side yard requirement. The applicant requests a variance to encroach into the minimum required 15-foot side yard by up to 10 feet along the southern property line on property that is legally described as Lot 8, Block 4 of the Bent Creek Addition with the address being 901 Canterbury Court, generally located at the southwest terminus of Canterbury Court, north of East Pleasant Run Road and zoned “SF-10”
(Single-Family Residential – minimum 10,000-square-foot lots) District.
Applicant: Roger W. Hart, Barron-Stark Engineers, LP
Property Owners: Kevin Claros and Michelle Villela-Claros
February 7, 2023
1:00 PM
T.W. “Turk” Cannady Cedar Hill Rm.
285 Uptown Blvd., Building 100
Cedar Hill, Texas 75104
For more information, contact the Planning Department at 972-291-5100, ext. 1080.