What’s Happening With COVID-19 Reporting in Ellis County?

screenshot of Ellis County COVID19 trends July 16

Ellis County Doesn’t Report COVID-19 Numbers Today, Due To “Unreliable Data”

Can anyone tell us what is happening with the reporting of COVID-19 in Ellis County? Anyone?

Today’s press release from Ellis County says, “Due to the unreliable data received in today’s report from THT, the Ellis County Office of Emergency Management is working diligently to uphold transparency and correct any potential errors in the case line lists received from the State. These updated numbers will be distributed as soon as the corrections have been addressed.”

What do they mean by unreliable? As previously noted the data from the state’s DSHS dashboard has been different from the data the THT provides Ellis County. And while Ellis County acknowledges the data is different, no one has explained the reason for the discrepancies. Transparency requires effective communication, and providing additional information about what’s being done to address the discrepancies would be helpful.

Who’s working on getting answers for Ellis County?

So, while Ellis County is working on “corrections”, they released hospital data. Per Ellis County the hospital system has 114 patients admitted, with 98 available beds. In the intensive care unit (ICU) for Ellis County, there are 11 occupied beds out of 18 total beds. When looking at patients who have tested positive for COVID-19 and are admitted into the Ellis County hospital system, 8 patients are in the ICU and 20 patients are in MedSurge. The following information has been provided by the North Central Texas Trauma Regional Advisory Council (NCTTRAC).

One might wonder, why don’t they report this number on a daily basis when they report the new cases? Many residents have commented they feel this information gives a bigger picture view of COVID-19’s impact on county resources.

Meanwhile, Representative John Wray shared a graphic with data from the CDC and Texas DSHS.

Ellis County states, “Due to the unreliable data received in today’s report from THT, the Ellis County Office of Emergency Management is working diligently to uphold transparency and correct any potential errors in the case line lists received from the State. These updated numbers will be distributed as soon as the corrections have been addressed.”

We want to hear from you, do you feel like the data in Ellis County is accurate? Which county in Texas is doing a good job of reporting COVID-19 data?