Two Highlands Teachers Earn Scholarships to UNT Dallas

Angie Gonzalez-Roland and Carina Gonzalez
Angie Gonzalez-Roland and Carina Gonzalez

(CEDAR HILL, TEXAS) The first day of classes for Cedar Hill ISD was more than two weeks ago.

But two Highlands Elementary School Bilingual Teachers are as excited as anyone to be back in the classroom. Not only as teachers, but students as well.

Angie Gonzalez-Roland and Carina Gonzalez earned full scholarships for their Master’s Degree in Curriculum & Instruction at the University of North Texas at Dallas (UNT Dallas).

“Once we earn our degrees, it will benefit the scholars and all of our research will help us find ways to do better for our scholars,” said Gonzalez-Roland, a past Highlands Teacher of the Year as well as a nominee for STEM Teacher of the Year.

Both Gonzalez-Roland (10TH year at Highlands Elementary) and Gonzalez (seventh year at HES) were part of a UNT Dallas cohort that observed teachers and evaluated strategies and best practices for bilingual communities.

It was through their work with the cohort that they discovered the opportunity for the scholarships.

“Before this, I didn’t think I’d find an opportunity for a Master’s Degree,” Gonzalez said.

Before Gonzalez-Roland became an educator, she served in the US Army and worked in the corporate world. She began, but did not complete a Master’s of Business Administration (MBA). That is one reason why she’s eager to begin the Master’s Program at UNT Dallas.

While Gonzalez-Roland wishes to stay in the classroom for the remainder of her educational career, Gonzalez could see herself one day becoming a bilingual education coordinator.

They will collaborate and study together toward their Master’s Degree.

Both teachers are excited about Highlands’ World Language Academy, which will open in 2026-2027.