Tarrant County Approves $35.5 Million For Projects To Assist With COVID Recovery

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Tarrant County American Rescue Plan Act Fiscal Recovery Funds Program

On Tuesday, The Tarrant County Commissioners Court approved $35.5 million in funding to improve public health and wellness, revitalize the economy, and strengthen the community from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The 35 projects selected will be funded through the County’s American Rescue Plan Act Fiscal Recovery Funds (FRF) Program.


With the Court’s approval on Tuesday, contract discussions can begin with each organization that has been approved for funding. Staff will bring each contract back to the Commissioners Court for final approval at a later date. The more than $35 million approved in funding leverages an additional $25 million in matching funds.


Individual project awards range from $210k to $4.8 million and include countywide organizations like United Way of Tarrant County ($5.5 million for four different projects), Tarrant Area Food Bank ($4.8 million) and the Presbyterian Night Shelter ($1.38 million), and smaller organizations such as Arlington Charities, Inc. ($242k), Sixty & Better ($570k), and Community Enrichment Center ($814k).


“I am proud of the process we’ve used to approach spending these federal funds in Tarrant County,” said Tarrant County Judge Glen Whitley. “By initiating a county-wide needs assessment, followed by issue-specific roundtables with community leaders, we have been comprehensive, inclusive, and strategic at every step. I believe we are setting the example for other counties about how to maximize these once-in-a-lifetime funds.”


On April 12, the Commissioners Court approved a call for proposals that are consistent with the County’s focus areas and goals in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. From that call, a total of 131 applications were submitted by 95 organizations, totaling $208 million in requested FRF funds.


An evaluation committee made up of two administrative staff, one audit staff, one budget staff, and one representative from each Commissioners Court member reviewed and scored each proposal for program readiness and alignment with the County’s COVID-19 Needs Assessment findings. Proposals were also scored on a number of socio-economic indicators, availability of matching funds, and project readiness. You can view a complete list of awards at Covid-19 Recovery Projects.


For more information, go to www.tarrantcounty.com/recovery.