Focus Daily News: What elected official seat do you sit in?
Jeremy Koontz: I sit on the Duncanville City Council, District 3.
FDN: How long have you held this seat?
JK: I have been on the Duncanville City Council nine months.
FDN: What is your main goal as a city council member during this term?
JK: My main goal is citizen engagement. To get more citizens actively involved with what is happening in the city.
FDN: What made you decide to get into politics?
JK: I did not decide to get into politics. I saw becoming a councilman as an opportunity to serve the local community, be a vocal advocate for citizens, and to find ways to unify our diverse community. Unfortunately, politics are involved.
FDN: What have been some of the surprises?
JK: How politics hinder progress. How selective local representatives can be about who exactly they represent. How complicated and difficult it can be to get something accomplished that appears to be rather simple.
FDN: What have been your challenges?
JK: Average citizens of Duncanville know what the challenges are.
FDN: Where do you see the city going in the next few years and who will you contribute to that?
JK: The City of Duncanville can head in one of two directions. It can continue down its current path of apparent decline or it can change course and realize its true potential found in engaging its diverse community and harnessing its assets. Either way, it will be the decisions of the Council that determines the course.