Leading Ladies, a hilarious comedy by Ken Ludwig (of “Lend Me a Tenor” and “Moon Over Buffalo” fame), promises lots of fun and laughter-for Duncanville Community Theatre audiences this weekend and next. The show opens May 9, with weekend performances at 8 p.m. through May 18, and a 3 p.m. matinee on Mother’s Day May 12.
Plot Synopsis: It’s “Some Like It Hot” meets “Twelfth Night” in this screwball production, filled with “bad behavior, high heels, and a world of comedy.” Two Englishmen, out-of-work Shakespearean actors Jack and Leo, attempt to pass themselves off as long-lost nephews and heirs to a wealthy Pennsylvania woman’s fortune. Romantic entanglements are also included along with the laughter.
Setting: Most of the action takes place in the living room of the biggest house in York, PA, in the late 1950s, with short scenes at the Shrewsbury PA Moose Lodge, and
inside a train.
Leading Ladies Director and Cast
Duncanville Community Theatre’s production of “Leading Ladies” is directed by Elisa Guse. Her ensemble cast includes Kevin Paris as Leo and James McKey as Jack. Erin Lee Golden plays Meg, while Dawn McCallum is Audrey. Joe Skrivanek plays Duncan, with Juanda Tate playing the wealthy Florence. Gene Ryan is Doc, and Roger Cedeno, Jr. plays Butch.
Production Staff for “Leading Ladies” includes Production Manager Wendy Acosta, Sound Operator Clark Hackney, and Lighting Operator Emikly Cedeno. Joe Skrivanek is the Master Carpenter, and James McKey Sound Designer. Rebecca Hackney is Scenic Artist, with Lighting Design by Velynia Caldwell.
The stage crew includes Wendy Acosta, Chantal Tovar, and Rebecca Hackney. Set work by Wendy Acosta, Roger Cedeno, Jr., Erin Lee Golden, Clark Hackney, Rebecca Hackney, James McKey, and Joe Skrivanek.
Amy Jackson is Executive Director of Duncanville Community Theatre, with Joe Skrivanek as Technical Coordinator and Heather Winkelman as Associate Director.
Tickets for evening performances of “Leading Ladies” are $15, and $14 for the Sunday matinee May 12. For reservations, please call 972-780-5707 or send an email to boxoffice@dctheatre.org.