PATTI & THEO, a new Dark Comedy with Music, written and directed by Artistic Director Matthew Posey, makes its debut at Ochre House Theater May 1 during their 2023-24 Season. Patti and Theo are struggling artists in Brooklyn, NY who are big boozers, and only time will tell if the Drinking Religion outlives them.
Guests are encouraged to “come wade into the wild and boozy waters of Patti and Theo’s nightmarish world, and bear witness to the unraveling of their lives as they try one last time to love each other.” Original songs, music, and Shadow Play are highlights of this tale of two lovers “who hold each other passionately at arm’s length,” according to press information.
Artistic Director Matthew Posey, who also wrote and directed the show, plays Theo; and Polly Maynard plays Patti. Additional cast members are Lauren Massey as Dr. Phalaenopsis; Quinn Coffman as Winken/Laverne/Tina; and Cameron Mcloud as Nod/Theo Jr./Mr. Thibodeaux. Musicians include Matthew McNabb on the accordion, Trey Pendergrass on percussion, and Aaron Gonzales on bass. Janet Dodd is the Shadow Artist and an understudy.
The production team for Patti & Theo includes Liz Carr-Stage Management; Matthew McNabb. Music Direction; Polly Maynard, Lyrics; and Matthew Posey, Set Design, Puppet Design/Build. Linda Noland, Shadow Puppet Artist; Justin Locklear, Sound Design and Set Build; Bobby Weiss, Scenic Art; and Samantha Rodriguez Corgan, Costume Design are on the production team. Others include Kevin Grammer, Light Design; Jeremy Word, Poster; Justin Locklear and Scott Shaddock, Photographer & Videographer; and David Mackey, Website.
Performance Schedule
All performances of Patti & Theo are at 8:15 p.m. Wed.-Sat., May 1-18 at the Ochre House Theater, 815 Exposition Avenue in Dallas (across from Fair Park). American Sign Language professionals will interpret some performances (TBD). Donate What You Can Night is Monday, May 6. Seating is limited in their intimate space,
Tickets are priced from $12-$17 Wed. and Thurs., and $20-$25 Friday and Saturday. Tickets are available online at For more information please call 14-826-6273..
Ochre House Staff includes Matthew Posey, Artistic Director; Carla Parker, Managing Director; Kevin Grammer, Operations Manager; and Justin Locklear, Artist in Residence.