Old Chisholm Trail NSDAR Flag Chair Gayla Brooks presented a DAR Flag Certificate to DeSoto residents Glenn D. Lauth and Susan (Susie) Lauth on June 26. The certificate is awarded individuals or groups who show respectful, correct flag usage and display of the U.S. Flag. The Lauth family display the Flag on a lighted flagpole in their corner lot yard in DeSoto.
The Lauths have lived in DeSoto for 24 years, and have been married 41 years. They started dating in their junior year in high school in Ohio, and married shortly after graduating in 1981.
Glenn says, “We got married at 2:30 in the afternoon and left at 6:30 that evening with everything we own packed in a U-Haul trailer–headed for Texas and we’ve been here ever since.”
The couple have three children and five grandchildren. Glenn worked for 29 years with the Garland Fire Department (Lt. and paramedic) and retired in November of 2014.
“Our faith in God and our relationship with the Lord is the most important part of our lives. With direction from the Lord, I started working on a new business, Kingdom Legacy Transport, in the spring of 2021 and bought my first truck (as of right now my ONLY truck!) in November. Been hauling freight exclusively for the last two months. The name and logo were solely inspired by the Lord,” Glenn said.
Flag Certificate
He said the flag display is important because “I’m proud of my country and my public service time as a firefighter and wanted to express my appreciation and admiration for what’s possible here in America.”

The Flag committee of the National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution, was established over 100 years ago “to promote a deep patriotic sense of respect for our flag.” Their principal objectives are to keep the flag flying and to protect it continuously under all conditions, as well as to educate citizens regarding its correct usage. Flag certificates are awarded to recognize and show appreciation to individuals and groups who show respectful and correct flag usage, correct display, and patriotic presentation of The Flag.
The Flag of the United States of America
The Flag should be raised briskly and ceremoniously lowered slowly. The flag should be acknowledged by the military with a salute or with a hand on the heart if you are a civilian, as it is hoisted and lowered. The flag should only be displayed between sunrise and sunset but may be flown at night if illuminated. In inclement weather, an all-weather flag may be displayed. The flag should always be placed in the position of honor, with no other flag above it and when flown in a line with other flags, none may be larger. The flag should always be the first flag raised, the last to be lowered. Respect for the flag includes keeping it clean, in good repair, and replacing a tattered flag.
Sandra Conley of Lancaster is Regent of the Old Chisholm Trail NSDAR. The chapter meets on the first Saturday of each month at Grace Place Church of Christ in Duncanville. Old Chisholm Trail NSDAR has been active for over 40 years. The chapter was organized April 16, 1977, by Twila Bell Gauntt, organizing regent. Chapter members perpetuate the memory of the men and women who achieved independence for America by emphasizing patriotism and respect for the Flag of the United States of America, by encouraging responsible citizenship, and by documenting family history through lineage research.
Please visit texasdar.org/chapters/OldChisholmTrail/ for more information.