Glenn Heights Celebrates Black History Month With Unveiling of Mural
GLENN HEIGHTS – A social justice public mural was unveiled last week in the City of Glenn Heights. The Black Lives Matter realism portrait was presented to the public on February 5 at Heritage Community Park on E. Bear Creek Road.
The unveiling coincided with February’s Black History Month according to a press release.
After previewing the completed project Glenn Heights Mayor Harry Garrett stated, “This will serve as a constant reminder to all of us that we are better when we live together in peace and harmony.”
The mural has been in the works for months. It was designed by Dallas-based portrait artist Carl Hess. He was approved and commissioned for the project by the Glenn Heights City Council in October.
The mural is three-sided and was designed on the sides of the park concessions and restroom facility. It illustrates 16 portrait images of “recognizable, slain black and brown victims aligned with the Black Lives Matter movement,” a press release stated. “The mural also features a large, heart-shaped word cloud and an immersive protest image that helps to depict the social dynamics that have defined the last decade.”
A community survey was conducted to solicit input from residents for words and phrases included in the community word cloud mural.
Mayor Garrett thanked the city council at the unveiling for supporting the project initiative.
Garrett described the Social Justice Public Art Mural as “something the community can be proud of for years to come.”
State Representative Carl O. Sherman (D-109) also applauded the City of Glenn Heights on the project.
Representative Sherman said “healing is an important part of the journey to social justice reform.”
The mural was unveiled to the public on February 5 via a video also released on all City-owned social media channels and the website.
The city encourages all residents to stay engaged throughout the month to learn more about the City Council action for the design. Residents will have a chance to hear from the artist and converse with elected officials about the mural through separate digital engagements.
All information can be found on the Black History Month webpage, http://bit.ly/GHBHM21.
Visitors who do wish to visit the mural are encouraged by Glenn Heights staff to follow social distance guidelines and practice safety protocols while viewing the public art.