Midlothian Seeks Community Input On Comprehensive Plan Update

man and woman looking at map
Midlothian residents, Donna Crimmins-Bonnell and Gerald Bonnell, attended a previous Comprehensive Plan Open House to weigh in on future plans.

The City of Midlothian is holding a Community Open House on June 13 from 6 to 8 p.m. at Midlothian City Hall, 104 W. Avenue E, to solicit citizen feedback on proposed updates to its Comprehensive Plan (Comp Plan).

City leaders and community members have been reviewing the existing Comp Plan since last spring and hope to get citizens’ input about the direction they are going. The Comp Plan is the city’s long-range decision-making guide for future growth and development. Among other things, it focuses on land use, housing, transportation, and economic development.

Additionally, an online Open House will be available from June 13 through 20 at www.freese.mysocialpinpoint.com/midlothian. This website provides information about the Midlothian Comprehensive Plan Update process, has links to the city’s current Comp Plan, Parks Master Plan, and Downtown Master Plan.

No reservations are needed to attend the Open House. Light refreshments will be served