RFQ 2024.02
Lancaster ISD is seeking Request for Qualification (RFQ) for legal counsel to remedy and pursue recovery of damages resulting from defects and deficiencies in the construction of campus structures, including actual damages, court costs, penalties, and other relief under Texas statutory and common law.
The district seeks to retain a law firm that specializes in construction defects and insurance recovery, including pre-litigation analysis and advice, mediation and litigation or arbitration, and appellate resolution. The firm must have a sound and substantial knowledge of and experience with legal requirements related to working with Texas School Districts (Political Subdivisions) on a contingency fee bases; and have the resources to retain independent, specialized experts as testifying witnesses and to finance all discovery expenses and other costs of the litigation through final resolution of the matter. RFQ will be received on our online bidding services until December 12, 2024.
Attn: Eleanor Hairston,
Purchasing Coordinator
422 S. Centre Avenue
Lancaster, TX 75146
(972) 218-1416
The district reserves the right to reject any and/or all proposals and to waive any formalities and technicalities.