Fort Worth ISD EXTENDS Spring Break

Ft Worth ISD extends Spring break

Like everyone right now, we know you are needing to make decisions about how best to protect your family in this current national health crisis.

After consulting with Tarrant County Public Health and following many conversations with community leaders and other superintendents about the impact of the Coronavirus, we will extend Fort Worth ISD’s spring break for at least two weeks through March 27.

Further details will follow today and through the weekend.

COVID-19 We weighed many factors before coming to this decision.

We are aware the closing of our schools presents a challenge for families with small children and for parents who must now find ways to provide daycare. We also know that many of our students depend on the healthy breakfast and lunch they eat at school. However, the risk of contracting COVID-19 – to children and family members or employees who have underlying health conditions –is far too great.

This will not be easy. We are looking at ways to mitigate some of these circumstances. School administrators and teachers will continue to work to serve our children even though school is not in session.

We are asking our child nutrition services workers and our vendor SODEXO to find a way to make meals available on a “to go” to those who most need it. We will share information about distribution of these meals later today and over the weekend.

We are also exploring online engagement activities.

Additionally, we are immediately canceling all travel for both students and employees as well as sporting events. We have also canceled our third annual Equity Summit, a much-anticipated and sold-out event that was to have taken place next Saturday, March 21 at Texas Wesleyan University. And, we will not encourage students and staff to gather in large groups related to the annual Cesar Chavez/Dolores Huerta Day of Service on Monday, March 23.

We will monitor this continually evolving situation and extend our hiatus if need be. We are committed to making the best decisions for our students and our community.

Please regularly check our website and social media accounts for updates on the situation, including ways we can further be of help to you.


Kent P. Scribner

Superintendent, Fort Worth ISD