Ellis County Reports 15 Additional COVID-19 Cases

Ellis County COVID-19 5/28/20

Ellis County COVID-19 Cases

Ellis County-  Texas DSHS shows Ellis County has 290 cases of COVID-19 as of 5/27/2020 at 3:40 PM. They report 187 recoveries in Ellis County and 115 active cases, with 13 deaths. We’re going to start also publishing the numbers found on the TX DSHS dashboard as the numbers are different.

The information below was provided by Ellis County, TX government in a press release or published on their Facebook page.

May 28, 2020 – The Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) has notified the Ellis County Local Health Authority of fifteen additional confirmed positive cases of COVID-19 and ten recoveries. This increases the countywide total to 327 cases of COVID-19, including 273 recoveries.

These additional positive COVID-19 cases include:

EC Charts 5/28/20

Glenn Heights-

58 year-old female


27 year-old male
64 year-old male
95 year-old female


32 year-old female


54 year-old female

Red Oak-

4 year-old female and 34 year-old female (of the same residence)


15 year-old female and 19 year-old female (of the same residence)
44 year-old male
50 year-old male
54 year-old female
56 year-old female
73 year-old female

As of today, DSHS has reported 4,555 tests administered in Ellis County. These updates can be found on their website at https://www.dshs.texas.gov/coronavirus/additionaldata/ .
COVID-19 in Ellis County: