Profile: Mansfield City Council Member Julie Short   

Julie Short

Focus Daily  News: What elected official seat do you sit in on the Mansfield City Council?

Julie Short: I sit in Place 5 on the Mansfield City Council.


FDN: How long have you been in your Place 5 seat?

JS: I am in my second term – this May will make five years of serving.


FDN: What is your main goal as a city council member during this term?

JS: Reviewing policy and processes to insure we are doing things as efficient and effective as possible. I never want to slip into the idea that “Well, we have always done it this way.”


FDN: What made you decide to get into politics?

JS: I have a strong sense of justice and want to make sure the right things happen and people don’t get into these positions that have selfish motives.


FDN: What have been some of the surprises since you took your seat on the City Council?

JS: The things that people speak out about have surprised me.  Two of the most controversial items I have run into are possibly changing trash pick up to only one day per week and the dog park approval.


FDN: What have been your challenges?

JS: It is a challenge to remember that the loudest voices are not usually the majority, they call it the silent majority for a reason.  Most people appreciate you being sincere even when they may not agree.


FDN: Where do you see the city going in the next few years and how will you contribute to that?

JS: I believe we will continue to see explosive growth. The challenge is to find the best balance of what that looks like for our city. Residential, retail, commercial, industrial – making sure we continue to look at the big picture and what the final masterpieces will like look at complete build out.