Profile: Lancaster Mayor Pro-tem/District 2 City Councilmember Stanley M. Jaglowski    

Stanley Jaglowski headshot

Questions & Answers With Lancaster City Councilmember Stanley M. Jaglowski

Focus Daily News: What elected official seat do you sit in?

Stanley Jaglowski: Lancaster City Council District 2

FDN: How long have you sat in this seat?

SJ: I have been in this seat since June 2011.

FDN: What is your main goal as a city council member during this term?

SJ: Continuing to work on all aspects from the Comprehensive Plan that was approved in 2016,  and setting in motion and allowing the ability to strategically provide sustainable growth throughout all areas in Lancaster. Also, understanding the importance of the many offerings that Lancaster contains. I will continue my deep involvement with the Texas Municipal League, working to transition from the current Vice President position of  Region 13 into the President’s position later this year, and along with serving on the newly formed Texas Municipal Officers ERCOT Advisory Board to bring focus and recognition to Lancaster.


FDN: What made you decide to get into politics?

SJ: Having relocated to Texas over 20 years ago, I felt that I should get to know more about the City in which I purchased my home.  I was asked to serve on the neighborhood’s  Home Owners Association Board and that is where I started my relationship with the city.


FDN: What have been some of the surprises?

SJ: I tell you, this was the last question I applied thought to answer. My ability to remain knowledgeable, and focused on Lancaster, has kept me from “surprises.” Now, over my tenure I have seen events that have occurred however, with the combination of leadership, staff, and the determination from the residents of Lancaster, I feel that the outcome has always produced a stronger and more unified Lancaster.

FDN: What have been your challenges?

SJ: Challenges can come forth every day. Having the mindset along with knowledgeable and dedicated staff to conquer those challenges have helped me to understand and thus become a stronger representative.

FDN: Where do you see the city going in the next few years and how will you contribute to that?

SJ: I see significant and sustainable growth coming to Lancaster in the near future that involves retail, industrial, and residential. With the Loop Nine project being the catalyst for new opportunities along with the new I-35 Corridor overlay puts focus on the boundaries and major gateways into the community.

This Council has worked collaboratively over these past years to approve systematic approaches that supports each other that will provide sustainable success to the entire organization. And I am proud and honored to have the opportunity to represent Lancaster, work closely with my colleagues and alongside our Award Winner Staff on the “Goals and Visions” that have been set forth by Council and to have been asked to extend my thoughts through this news source.